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时间: 2024-09-19 11:47:48



/ wCtF /

1. [with obj.] look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time
• 观看;注视;观察
 »Lucy watched him go.
 »[no obj.] as she watched, two women came into the garden.
 »[with clause] everyone stopped to watch what was going on.
  keep under careful orprotective observation
• 看守;看护
 »a large set of steel doors, watched over by a single guard.
  secretly follow or spy on
• 秘密跟踪;监视
 »he told me my telephones were tapped and that I was being watched.
  follow closely or maintain an interest in
• 留意,注视
 »the girls watched the development of this relationship with incredulity.
  exercise care, caution, or restraint about
• 小心;节制
 »most women watch their diet during pregnancy.
 »[with clause] you should watch what you say!.
  [no obj.] (watch for)look out or be on the alert for
• 对…留神;戒备
 »in spring and summer, watch for kingfishers.
 » watch out for broken glass.
  [no obj.] [usu. in imperative] (watch out)be careful
• 小心,当心
 »credit-card fraud is on the increase, so watch out.
  (watch it/yourself)[usu. in imperative] [informal] be careful (used as a warning or threat)
[非正式] 小心(用作警告或威胁)
 »if anyone finds out, you're dead meat, so watch it.
2. [no obj.] (archaic)remain awake for the purpose of religious observance
[古] 守夜
 »she watched whole nights in the church.
1. a small timepiece worn typically on a strap on one's wrist
• 手表
2. [usu. in sing.] an act or instance of carefully observing someone or something over a period of time
• 观察;注视;留意
 »the security forces have been keeping a close watch on our activities.
  a period of vigil during which a person is stationed to look out for danger or trouble, typically during the night
• (尤指夜间)值班,值夜
 »Murray took the last watch before dawn.
  a fixed period of duty on a ship, usually lasting four hours
• (船上值班的)一班(通常为四个小时)
  (也作 starboard 或 port watch)the officers and crew on duty during one such period
• 值班船员
  a spell of duty worked by firefighters or police officers; a shift
• (消防队员或警察的)一班
  (figurative)the period someone spends in a particular role or job
[喻] 做某项任务或工作的时间
  [一般作the watch] (historical)a watchman or group of watchmen who patrolled and guarded the streets of a town before the introduction of the police force
[史] 巡夜人;巡夜队;更夫
3. [in sing.] [with adj.] [informal] a film or programme considered in terms of its appeal to the public
[非正式] 吸引观众的电影(或节目)
 »this movie's an engrossing watch.
be on the watch
1. be carefully looking out for something, especially a possible danger
• 留心,注意;提防
keep watch
1. stay on the lookout for danger or trouble
• 放哨
watch one's (或 someone's) back
1. protect oneself (or someone else) against danger from an unexpected quarter
• 保护自己(或他人)(以防意外的危险)
watch one's mouth --› see mouth
the watches of the night
1. (poetic/literary)the hours of night, portrayed as a time when one cannot sleep
[诗/文] 夜间醒着的时间
watch the pennies --› see penny
watch one's step --› see step
watch this space --› see space
watch the time
1. ensure that one is aware of the time in order to avoid being late
• 注意时间
watch the world go by
1. spend time observing other people going about their business
• 观察他人在做什么
watcher noun
 »[often in combination] a badger-watcher.
1. Old English wæcce 'watchfulness', wæccende 'remaining awake'; related to wake. The sense 'small timepiece' probably developed by way of a sense 'alarm device attached to a clock'
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