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时间: 2024-09-20 11:44:25



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1. a device for lifting heavy objects, especially one for raising the axle of a motor vehicle off the ground so that a wheel can be changed or the underside inspected
• 起重器,千斤顶
2. a playing card bearing a representation of a soldier, page, or knave, normally ranking next below a queen
• 纸牌中的 “J”牌
3. (也作 jack socket)a socket with two or more pairs of terminals designed to receive a jack plug
• 插座,插孔
4. a small white ball in bowls, at which the players aim
• (保龄球中作靶子的)小白球
5. (也作 jackstone)a small round pebble or star-shaped piece of metal or plastic used in tossing and catching games
• (抛接子游戏中用的)圆形的小鹅卵石(或星状的铁片或塑料片)
  (jacks)a game played by tossing and catching such pebbles or pieces of metal.
• 抛接子游戏
6. [Jack] used to typify an ordinary man
• 普通人,男人
 »he had that world-weary look of the working Jack who'd seen everything.
  (informal, chiefly US)used as a form of address to a man whose name is not known.
[非正式,主美] [用作对陌生人的一种称呼] 老兄
  [N. Amer. informal] a lumberjack.
[北美,非正式] 伐木工人
  [informal] a detective or police officer.
[非正式] 侦探;警察
  (archaic)a steeplejack.
[古] 高空作业工人
  the figure of a man striking the bell on a clock.
• (时钟上)敲钟的人像
7. a small version of a national flag flown at the bow of a vessel in harbour to indicate its nationality
• 船首旗(港口内船只上飘在船首的用于表示国籍的小旗)
8. [mass noun] [US informal] money
9. a device for turning a spit
• 烤肉炙叉旋转器
10. a part of the mechanism in a spinet or harpsichord that connects a key to its corresponding string and causes the string to be plucked when the key is pressed down
• 琴键拨子
11. a marine fish that is typically laterally compressed with a row of large spiky scales along each side. Jacks are important in many places as food or game fish
• 鲹(一种海鱼,鱼身两侧扁平,各有一排尖而长的鳞片,是许多国家常见的食用观赏鱼)。(亦称 pompano, scad.)
12. Family Carangidae (the jack family): many genera and numerous species. The jack family also includes the horse mackerel, pilotfish, kingfishes, and trevallies.
• 鲹科: 多属,众多种。鲹科鱼类还包括竹荚鱼、舟(鱼师)、鲛鱼和鲹鱼
13. the male of various animals, especially a merlin or (US) an ass
• 雄性动物(尤指公灰背隼或 〈美〉公驴)
14. used in names of animals that are smaller than similar kinds, e.g. jack snipe
[用在比同类动物矮小的动物名称里,如 jack snipe]
15. [US informal] . short for jackshit.
[美,非正式] jackshit 的简称.
before one can say Jack Robinson
1. [informal] very quickly or suddenly
[非正式] 说时迟那时快,突然间,一刹那
every man jack
1. [informal] each and every person (used for emphasis)
[非正式] 人人,每个人 [用于强调]
 »they're spies, every man jack of them.
I'm all right, Jack
1. [informal] used to express selfish complacency
[非正式] (表示只求自己没事的自得心理)老兄,我没事
jack of all trades (and master of none)
1. a person who can do many different types of work but who is not necessarily very competent at any of them
• 杂而不精的人,三脚猫;万能博士,万金油
on one's jack (或 Jack Jones)
1. [Brit. rhyming slang] on one's own
[英,谐俚] 独自,自个儿
1. late Middle English: from Jack, pet form of the given name John. The term was used originally to denote an ordinary man (sense 6), also a youth (mid 16th cent.), hence the 'knave' in cards and 'male animal'. The word also denoted various devices saving human labour, as though one had a helper (senses 1, 3, 9, and 10 , and in compounds such as jackhammer and jackknife); the general sense 'labourer' arose in the early 18th cent. and survives in cheapjack, lumberjack, steeplejack, etc. Since the mid 16th cent. a notion of 'smallness' has arisen, hence senses 4, 5, 7, and 13 .
jack someone around
1. [N. Amer. informal] cause someone inconvenience or problems, especially by acting unfairly or indecisively
[北美,非正式] (尤指不公正或优柔寡断的行为)造成(某人)的不便,给(某人)带来麻烦
jack in (或 into)
1. [informal] log into or connect up (a computer or electronic device)
[非正式] 进入或联接(电脑系统或电子装置)
jack something in
1. [Brit. informal] give up or leave off from doing something, especially a job
[英,非正式] 放弃(或停止)做某事(尤指工作)
jack off
1. (vulgar slang)masturbate
[粗俚] 手淫
jack up
1. [informal] inject oneself with a narcotic drug
[非正式] 给自己注射麻醉毒品
2. [Austral.] give up or refuse to participate in something
[澳] 放弃;拒绝参与
jack something up
1. raise something, especially a vehicle, with a jack
• (用千斤顶)举起,抬起某物(尤指车辆)
  [informal] increase something by a considerable amount.
[非正式] 提高,增加
 »France jacked up its key bank interest rate.
2. [NZ informal] arrange or organize something
[新西兰,非正式] 安排,组织
noun , (historical)[史]
1. another term for blackjack (in sense 5).
• 同 blackjack (义项5).
2. a sleeveless padded tunic worn by foot soldiers
• (步兵穿的)无袖束腰棉外衣
1. [predic.] [Austral./NZ] tired of or bored with someone or something
[澳/新西兰] 厌倦,厌烦
 »people are getting jack of strikes.
1. late 19th cent.: from jack up 'give up'.
1. [with obj.] [N. Amer. informal] take (something) illicitly; steal
[北美,非正式] 非法获取;偷窃
 »what's wrong is to jack somebody's lyrics and not acknowledge the fact.
  rob (someone).
• 抢劫
1. 1990s: from hijack.
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