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时间: 2024-09-20 11:40:02



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1. free from dirt, marks, or stains
• 清洁的,干净的
 »the room was spotlessly clean.
 »keep the wound clean.
  having been washed since last worn or used
• 洗干净的
 »a clean blouse.
  [attrib.] (of paper) not yet marked by writing or drawing
• (纸)空白的
 »he copied the advert on to a clean sheet of paper.
  (of a person) attentive to personal hygiene
• (人)注意个人卫生的,爱清洁的
 »by nature he was clean and neat.
  [predic.] (of a child or animal) toilet-trained or house-trained
• (儿童,动物)训练成会使用厕所的;训练成不在屋内随地大小便的
  free from pollutants or unpleasant substances
• 无污染的;干净的,纯净的
 »we will create a cleaner, safer environment.
  free from or producing relatively little radioactive contamination
• 不含放射性污染物的;释放少量放射性污染物的
2. morally uncontaminated; pure ; innocent
• 清白的;纯洁的;天真的;无邪的
 »clean living.
  not sexually offensive or obscene
• 不淫秽的;不猥亵的
 »it's all good clean fun.
 »even when clean, his verses are very funny.
  showing or having no record of offences or crimes
• 无不良记录的;无前科的
 »a clean driving licence is essential for the job.
  played or done according to the rules
• 遵守规则的;按规则进行的
 »it was a good clean fight.
  [predic.] [informal] not possessing or containing anything illegal, especially drugs or stolen goods
[非正式] 不私藏(或不包含)违禁品(尤指毒品或赃物)的
 »I searched him and his luggage, and he was clean.
  [predic.] [informal] (of a person) not taking or having taken drugs or alcohol
[非正式] (人)不吸毒的;不喝酒的;没吸毒的;没喝酒的
  free from ceremonial defilement, according to Mosaic Law and similar religious codes
• (摩西律法等类似宗教法典规定的)不亵渎宗教仪式的
  (of an animal) not prohibited under such codes and fit to be used for food
• (动物)不亵渎宗教教规可食用的
3. free from irregularities; having a smooth edge or surface
• 平整的;边缘(或表面)光洁的
 »a clean fracture of the leg.
  having a simple, well-defined, and pleasing shape
• (外形)简朴、界限分明而优美的
 »the clean lines and pared-down planes of modernism.
  (of an action) smoothly and skilfully done
• (行动)干净利落的
 »I still hadn't made a clean take-off.
  (of a taste, sound, or smell) giving a clear and distinctive impression to the senses; sharp and fresh
• (滋味)浓烈的,(声音)刺耳的,(气味)强烈的
 »clean, fresh, natural flavours.
  (of timber) free from knots
• (木材)无树节的
1. so as to be free from dirt, marks, or unwanted matter
• 干净地;纯洁地
 »the room had been washed clean.
2. [informal] used to emphasize the completeness of a reported action, condition, or experience
[非正式] 彻底地,完全地
 »he was knocked clean off his feet.
 »I clean forgot her birthday.
1. [with obj.] make (something or someone) free of dirt, marks, or mess, especially by washing, wiping, or brushing
• (尤指通过洗、擦或刷的办法)把…弄干净,为…去除污垢
 »clean your teeth properly after meals.
 »chair covers should be easy to clean.
 »we cleaned Uncle Jim up and made him presentable.
 »[no obj.] he always expected other people to clean up after him.
 »[as noun cleaning] Anne will help with the cleaning.
  remove the innards of (fish or poultry) prior to cooking
• 烹调前先去除(鱼,家禽)的内脏
1. [in sing.] (chiefly Brit.)an act of cleaning something
[主英] 去垢,刷净,打扫
 »he gave the room a clean.
(as) clean as a whistle
--› see whistle
clean bill of health --› see bill of health
clean someone's clock
1. [N. Amer. informal] give someone a beating
[北美,非正式] 将(某人)痛打一顿
  defeat or surpass someone decisively
• 彻底击败(某人);完胜(某人)
clean house
1. [N. Amer.] do housework
[北美] 做家务
  eliminate corruption or inefficiency
• 清除腐败;消灭无能
clean one's plate
1. eat up all the food put on one's plate
• 吃光盘中食物
clean up one's act
1. [informal] begin to behave in a better way, especially by giving up alcohol, drugs, or illegal activities
[非正式] 开始检点行事(尤指戒烟、戒毒、不犯罪)
come clean
1. [informal] be completely honest; keep nothing hidden
[非正式] 和盘托出;毫无保留;说实话
 »the Chancellor must come clean about his plans for increasing taxation.
have clean hands
1. be uninvolved and blameless with regard to an immoral act
• (对于不道德行为)清白,无可谴责
 »no one involved in the conflict has clean hands.
keep one's hands clean
1. not involve oneself in an immoral act
• 洁身自好;不同流合污;不染指(不道德行为)
keep one's nose clean --› see nose
make a clean breast of something (或 make a clean breast of it)
1. confess fully one's mistakes or wrongdoings
• 全盘招供;全盘承认过错
make a clean job of something
1. [informal] do something thoroughly
[非正式] 彻底完成(某事)
make a clean sweep
1. remove all unwanted people or things ready to start afresh
• 完全撤换(不需要的人,物),改头换面
2. win all of a group of similar or related sporting competitions, events, or matches
• (在同类或相关体育赛事中)囊括各项锦标
wipe the slate clean --› see wipe
cleanable adjective
cleanish adjective
cleanness noun
1. Old English clæ̅ne, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German klein 'small'
clean someone out
1. [informal] use up or take all someone's money
[非正式] 花光某人的钱;榨尽某人的钱
 »they were cleaned out by the Englishman at the baccarat table.
clean up
1. [informal] make a substantial gain or profit
[非正式] 发大财
  win all the prizes available in a sporting competition or series of events
• 赢得(一项或系列体育竞赛或赛事)大满贯
clean something up
1. restore order or morality to
• 恢复…的秩序;重建…的道德风尚
 »the police chief was given the job of cleaning up a notorious district.
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