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时间: 2024-09-19 11:41:26



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1. [no obj.] make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement and sometimes also of contempt or derision[with direct speech]
• 笑,嘲笑
 »she couldn't help laughing at his jokes.
 »he laughed out loud.
  (laugh at)ridicule; scorn
• 嘲笑
  (laugh something off)dismiss something embarrassing, unfortunate, or potentially serious by treating it in a light-hearted way or making a joke of it
• 一笑了之
  (be laughing)[informal] be in a fortunate or successful position
[非正式] 幸运,走运
 »if next year's model is as successful, Ford will be laughing.
1. an act of laughing
• 笑
 »she gave a loud, silly laugh.
2. (a laugh)[informal] a thing that causes laughter or derision
[非正式] 笑料,笑柄
 »that's a laugh, the idea of you cooking a meal!.
  a person who is good fun or amusing company
• 有趣的人
 »I like Peter—he's a good laugh.
  a source of fun or amusement
• 逗人笑的事
 »she decided to play along with him for a laugh.
 »he knew his performance was good for a laugh.
be laughing all the way to the bank
1. [informal] be making a great deal of money very easily
[非正式] 发大财
have the last laugh
1. be finally vindicated, thus confounding earlier skepticism
• 笑到最后,最后得到证明
he who laughs last laughs longest
1. (proverb)don't rejoice too soon, in case your delight at your own good fortune is premature
[谚] 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好
laugh one's head off
1. laugh heartily or uncontrollably
• 大笑,狂笑不已
laugh in someone's face
1. show open contempt for someone by laughing rudely at them in their presence(figurative)[喻]
• 当面嘲笑
 »vandals and muggers who laugh in the face of the law.
the laugh is on me [或you, him等]
1. the tables are turned and now the other person is the one who appears ridiculous
• 我(你、他等)成了嘲笑对象
 »all the critics had laughed at him — well, the laugh was on them now.
laugh like a drain
1. [Brit. informal] laugh raucously
[英,非正式] 大声笑
a laugh a minute
1. very funny
• 非常滑稽
 »it's a laugh a minute when Lois gets together with her dad.
laugh on the other side of one's face ( 或北美
1. be discomfited after feeling satisfaction or confidence about something
• 转喜为悲
laugh someone/thing out of court
1. dismiss with contempt as being obviously ridiculous
• 因可笑而鄙视,一笑置之
laugh oneself silly [或sick]
1. laugh uncontrollably or for a long time
• 笑个不停
laugh something to scorn
1. [dated] ridicule something
[旧] 嘲笑
laugh up one's sleeve
1. be secretly or inwardly amused
• 窃喜,暗笑
no laughing matter
1. something serious that should not be joked about
• 不是玩笑事
 »heavy snoring is no laughing matter.
play something for laughs
1. (of a performer) try to arouse laughter in an audience, especially in inappropriate circumstances
• (表演者,尤指场合不当)逗趣,逗笑
1. Old English hlæhhan, hliehhan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German lachen, also to laughter
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