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时间: 2024-10-06 18:47:29



/ faund /

1. having been discovered by chance or unexpectedly, in particular
• 偶然(或意外)发现的,尤指
  (of an object or sound) collected in its natural state and presented in a new context as part of a work of art or piece of music
• (物体,声音)采集后以原有状态表现在艺术品(或音乐)中的
 »collages of found photos.
  (of art) comprising or making use of such objects
• (艺术)原汁原味的;采用未经处理的素材构成的
  (of poetry) formed by taking a piece of text and reinterpreting its structure metrically
• (诗)拾得的(选取一段文章并按韵律重新解释其结构而形成的)
2. [with submodifier] (of a ship) equipped; supplied
• (船)装备好的
 »the ship was two years old, well found and seaworthy.
verb, [with obj.]
1. establish or originate (a continuing institution or organization), especially by providing an endowment
• (尤指用捐款)建立;创办
 »the monastery was founded in 1665.
 »[as adj. founding] the three founding partners.
  plan and begin the building of (a town or colony)
• 兴建,建造(城镇,殖民点)
2. [一般作 be founded on/upon] construct or base (a principle or other abstract thing) according to a particular principle or grounds
• 立基于;把(原则等抽象物)建立在(特定原则或基础)上
 »a society founded on the highest principles of religion and education.
  ( of a thing) serve as a basis for
• (事物)作为基础
 »the company's fortunes are founded on its minerals business.
1. Middle English: from Old French fonder, from Latin fundare, from fundus 'bottom, base'
1. [with obj.] melt and mould (metal)
• 熔化并铸造(金属)
  fuse (materials) to make glass
• 熔化(制玻璃原料)
  make (an article) by melting and moulding metal
• (通过熔化并铸造金属)铸造(物品)
1. early 16th cent.: from French fondre, from Latin fundere 'melt, pour'
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