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时间: 2024-10-07 00:54:56



/ 5vClju:m /

1. a book forming part of a work or series
• 卷,册
  a single book or a bound collection of printed sheets
• 书;书册
  a consecutive sequence of issues of a periodical
• (期刊)合订本
  (historical)a scroll of parchment or papyrus containing written matter
[史] (写在羊皮纸或纸草纸上的)书卷
2. [mass noun] the amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or that is enclosed within a container, especially when great
• (尤指大的)体积;容积,容量
 »the sewer could not cope with the volume of rainwater.
 »[count noun] a volume of air.
  the amount or quantity of something, especially when great
• (尤指大的)分量,量;额
 »changes in the volume of consumer spending.
  (a volume of/volumes of)a certain, typically large amount of something
• (尤指数量大的)量
 »the volumes of data handled are vast.
  fullness or expansive thickness of something, especially of a person's hair
• (尤指头发的)厚;多,浓密
3. [mass noun] quantity or power of sound; degree of loudness
• 音量
 »he turned the volume up on the radio.
volumed adjective
1. late Middle English (originally denoting a roll of parchment containing written matter): from Old French volum(e), from Latin volumen 'a roll', from volvere 'to roll'. An obsolete meaning 'size or extent (of a book') gave rise to sense 2
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