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时间: 2024-09-20 11:11:26




(younger , youngest )
1. having lived or existed for only a short time
• 幼小的;初期的;年纪轻的,年青的
 »a young girl.
 »[as plural noun the young] the young are amazingly resilient.
  not as old as the norm or as would be expected
• 夭折的,早逝的
 »more people were dying young.
  [attrib.] relating to, characteristic of, or consisting of young people
• 年轻人的,年轻人特有的
 »young love.
 »the Young Communist League.
  immature or inexperienced
• 未成熟的;没经验的
 »she's very young for her age.
  having the qualities popularly associated with young people, such as enthusiasm and optimism
• 年轻人似的;热情的;有青春活力的,朝气蓬勃的;乐观的
 »all those who are young at heart.
  (the Younger)used to denote the younger of two people of the same name
[用于指两个同姓者中的较年轻者] 年龄较小的,较年轻的
 »Pitt the Younger.
  (younger)[postpositive] [Scottish] denoting the heir of a landed commoner
[苏格兰] 平民地主产业的继承人的
 »Hugh Magnus Macleod, younger of Macleod.
1. [treated as pl.] offspring, especially of an animal before or soon after birth
• (尤指动物尚未产下或刚产下的)崽;幼畜;幼禽
 »this species carries its young.
youngish adjective
1. Old English g(e)ong, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch jong and German jung, also to youth; from an Indo-European root shared by Latin juvenis
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