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时间: 2024-10-06 22:51:45



/ 5di:teil /

1. an individual feature, fact, or item
• 细节
 »we shall consider every detail of the Bill.
 »[mass noun] her meticulous attention to detail.
  a minor or less significant item or feature
• 细枝末节;次要部分
 »he didn't want them to get sidetracked on a detail of policy.
  a minor decorative feature of a building or work of art
• (建筑、艺术品的)装饰细部,局部
 »a detail on Charlemagne's tomb.
  [mass noun] the style or treatment of such features
• 细部的风格;细部的处理
 »the classical French detail of the building's facade.
  a small part of a picture or other work of art that is reproduced separately for close study
[为仔细研究需要被单独复制的画或其他艺术品的] 细部;复制细节
 »detail of right eye showing marks on the lids.
  (details)itemized facts or information about someone; personal particulars
• (人的)详细情况;个人资料
 »the official asked for my father's details.
2. a small detachment of troops or police officers given a special duty
• (有特定任务的)军人(或警察)小分队
 »the governor's security detail.
  [often with modifier] a special duty assigned to such a detachment
• (小分队的)特别任务
verb, [with obj.]
1. describe item by item; give the full particulars of
• 列举;详细描述
 »the report details the environmental and health costs of the car.
2. [with obj. and infinitive] assign (someone) to undertake a particular task
• 指派(某人)执行特定任务
 »the ships were detailed to keep watch.
3. [US] clean (a motor vehicle) thoroughly
[美] 彻底清洗(汽车)
go into detail
1. give a full account of something
• 详述,充分叙述
in detail
1. as regards every feature or aspect; fully
• 详细地;充分地
 »we will have to examine the proposals in detail.
1. early 17th cent. (in the sense 'minor items or events regarded collectively'): from French détail (noun), détailler (verb), from dé- (expressing separation) + tailler 'to cut' (based on Latin talea 'twig, cutting')
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