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时间: 2024-10-06 14:51:57



/ ɡreit /

1. of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average
• (指程度、数量或强度大大高于一般水平)超乎寻常的;极大的;高度的,强烈的
 »the article was of great interest.
 »she showed great potential as an actor.
  very large and imposing
• 巨大的,壮观的
 »a great ocean between them.
  [attrib.] used to reinforce another adjective of size or extent
• [用于强调另一个表示大小或程度的形容词]十分的,非常的
 »a great big grin.
 »huge great hooks.
  [attrib.] used to express surprise, admiration, or contempt, especially in exclamations
• [表示惊奇、赞美或蔑视,尤用于感叹]十足的
 »you great oaf!.
  (也作 greater)[attrib.] used in names of animals or plants which are larger than similar kinds, e.g. great tit, greater celandine
• [用于动植物名称中,表示比其同类大,如great tit, greater celandine]
  [Great] [attrib.] [in place names] denoting the larger or largest part of a place
• 大的(用于地名,指某地较大或最大的一部分)
 »Great Malvern.
  [Greater] [attrib.] (of a city) including adjacent urban areas
• (城市)包括相邻城区的,大的
 »Greater Manchester.
2. of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above the normal or average
• (指能力、品质或地位大大高于一般水平)出众的;了不起的;伟大的;崇高的
 »the great Italian conductor.
 »we obeyed our great men and leaders.
 »great art has the power to change lives.
  (the Great)a title denoting the most important person of the name
• 大帝(或大王等)(用于头衔,表示此人是所有同名者中最重要的人)
 »Alexander the Great.
  [informal] very good or satisfactory; excellent
[非正式] 美妙的;好极的
 »another great goal from Alan.
 »he's a great bloke.
 »wouldn't it be great to have him back?
 »[as exclamation] ‘Great!’ said Tom.
  [predic.] [informal] (of a person) very skilled or capable in a particular area
[非正式] (人)擅长的,精通的
 »a brilliant man, great at mathematics.
3. [attrib.] denoting the element of something that is the most important or the most worthy of consideration
• 最重要的;主要的
 »the great thing is the challenge.
  used to indicate that someone or something particularly deserves a specified description
• (人,事物)十足的,充分的
 »I was a great fan of Hank's.
4. [in combination] (in names of family relationships) denoting one degree further removed upwards or downwards
• [用于亲属关系的名称中]中间隔两代的,(外)曾祖(或曾孙)的
5. [predic.] [Irish] (of two people) on very close or intimate terms
[爱尔兰] (二人)亲近的;亲密的
 »one of the boys was very great with her.
1. a great or distinguished person
• 大人物;显要人物
 »the Beatles, Bob Dylan, all the greats.
  [as plural noun the great] great people collectively
• [ 总称]伟人
 »the lives of the great, including Churchill and Newton.
2. [Greats] . another term for Literae Humaniores
• 同 Literae Humaniores
1. [informal] excellently; very well
[非正式] 很好地,出色地
 »we played awful, they played great.
the great and the good
1. (often ironic)distinguished and worthy people collectively
[常讽] 显要人物;要人
 »a non-departmental public body made up of the great and the good.
great and small
1. of all sizes, classes, or types
• 大大小小的,无论大小的
 »all creatures great and small.
a great deal --› see deal
a great many --› see many
a great one for
1. a habitual doer of; an enthusiast for
• 热衷于…的人,…的爱好者
 »my father was a great one for buying gadgets.
Great Scott!
1. expressing surprise or amazement
• [表示惊奇]天哪!
to a great extent
1. in a substantial way; largely
• 实质上;很大程度上
 »we are all to a great extent the product of our culture.
1. Old English grēat 'big', of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch groot and German gross
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