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时间: 2024-10-06 17:51:12



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1. a site for depositing rubbish
• 垃圾场
  [usu. with modifier] a place where a particular kind of waste, especially dangerous waste, is left
• (尤指有害物的)废料场
 »a nuclear waste dump.
  a heap of rubbish left at a dump
• 垃圾堆
  (也作 mine dump)[S. African] a hill of solidified crushed quartz, built up from the residue of gold-mining operations
[南非] (淘金残余物堆积成的)矿山废石堆
  [informal] an unpleasant or dreary place
[非正式] 脏地方,乱七八糟的地方,令人讨厌的地方
 »she says the town has become a dump.
  (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)an act of defecation
[非正式,主北美] 拉屎
2. [Computing] a copying of stored data to a different location, performed typically as a protection against loss
[计算机] 转储,转存
  a printout or list of the contents of a computer's memory, occurring typically after a system failure
• (尤指系统发生故障后内存的)打印输出,卸出
verb, [with obj.]
1. deposit or dispose of (rubbish, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way
• 堆放,扔掉,倾倒(垃圾或废料等)
 »trucks dumped 1,900 tons of refuse here.
  put down or abandon (something) hurriedly in order to make an escape
• (为逃跑而)丢弃,扔掉
 »the couple dumped the car and fled.
  put (something) down firmly or heavily and carelessly
• 猛地放下,沉重地扔下
 »she dumped her knapsack on the floor.
  [informal] abandon or desert (someone)
[非正式] 抛弃,遗弃,离开(某人)
 »his girlfriend dumped him for being fat.
  send (goods unsaleable in the home market) to a foreign market for sale at a low price
• (在国外)倾销
 »these countries have been dumping cheap fertilizers on the UK market.
  [informal] sell off (assets) rapidly
[非正式] 抛售,甩卖(资产)
 »investors dumped shares in scores of other consumer-goods firms.
2. [Computing] copy (stored data) to a different location, especially so as to protect against loss
[计算机] 转储
  print out or list the contents of (a store), especially after a system failure
• (尤指系统发生故障后)打印输出,卸出(数据)
1. Middle English: perhaps from Old Norse; related to Danish dumpe and Norwegian dumpa 'fall suddenly' (the original sense in English); in later use partly imitative; compare with thump
dump on
1. (informal, N. Amer.)criticize or abuse (someone); treat badly
[非正式,北美] 诘难,辱骂;亏待,虐待
 »you get dumped on just because of your name.
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