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时间: 2024-09-29 00:45:22



/ kwi:n /

1. the female ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth
• 女王;女酋长;女首领
  (也作 queen consort)a king's wife
• 王后
  a woman or thing regarded as excellent or outstanding of its kind
• (某领域的)王后;精华;出类拔萃者
 »the queen of the social columns.
 »the Tourist's Guide to Islay, the Queen of the Hebrides.
  a woman or girl chosen to hold the most important position in a festival or event
• (节日或活动中)当选要职的女子
 »she's the official carnival queen.
  (the Queen)[dated] (in the UK) the national anthem when there is a female sovereign
[旧] (英国女王在位时的)国歌
  [informal] a man's wife or girlfriend
[非正式] 爱妻;心上人;女朋友
2. the most powerful chess piece that each player has, able to move in any direction along a rank, file, or diagonal on which it stands
• (国际象棋中的)后
3. a playing card bearing a representation of a queen, normally ranking next below a king and above a jack
• (牌戏中的)王后(牌),Q(牌)
4. [Entomology] a reproductive female in a colony of social ants, bees, wasps, or termites
[昆] 蚁后,蜂后
5. an adult female cat that has not been spayed
• 母猫
6. [informal] a male homosexual, typically one regarded as ostentatiously effeminate
[非正式] (尤指脂粉气的)同性恋男子
verb, [with obj.]
1. (queen it over)(of a woman) behave in an unpleasant and superior way towards
• (女人)对…摆架子,对…专横跋扈
2. [Chess] convert (a pawn) into a queen when it reaches the opponent's back rank on the board
[棋] 使(兵)变后
queendom noun
queen-like adjective
queenship noun
1. Old English cwēn, of Germanic origin; related to quean
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