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时间: 2024-09-20 01:11:53



/ 5B:nsE /

1. a thing that is said, written, or done to deal with or as a reaction to a question, statement, or situation
• 回答;回复,答复;应答
 »he knocked and entered without waiting for an answer.
  a thing written or said in reaction to a question in a test or quiz
• (测试)答案
 »write your answers on a postcard.
  the correct solution to such a question
• 正确答案;解决办法
 »the answer is 280°.
  a solution to a problem or dilemma
• 解决办法
 »the answer to poverty and unemployment is a properly funded range of services.
  [in sing. answer to] a thing or person regarded as being of equivalent status or fulfilling the same role as something or someone from another place
• (地位、作用等方面的)对应物;相当的人
 »the press called her Britain's answer to Marilyn Monroe.
1. [reporting verb] say or write something to deal with or as a reaction to someone or something
• 回答;答复
 »[with direct speech] ‘Of course I can,’ she answered.
 »[with clause] she answered that she would take nothing but the ring.
 »[with obj.] she tried to answer his questions truthfully.
 »[no obj.] Steve was about to answer, but Hazel spoke first.
  [with obj.] provide the required responses to (a question in a test or quiz)
• (对测试等)作答
 »answer the questions below for a chance to win a holiday.
  [no obj.] (answer back)respond impudently or disrespectfully to someone, especially when being criticized or told to do something
• 顶嘴(尤指对批评或吩咐)
 »I'd usually talk him round, but never answer back.
 »[with obj.] Mary resisted the temptation to answer her mother back.
  [with obj.] act in reaction to (a sound such as a telephone ringing or a knock or ring on a door)
• (对电话铃或敲门等)作出反应
 »Digby answered the door.
 »[no obj.] she rang Edward's house, hoping the housekeeper would answer.
  [with obj.] defend oneself against (a charge, accusation, or criticism)
• (对指控、谴责或批评)作辩护,回应
 »he said he would return to Spain to answer all charges.
  [no obj.] (answer for)be responsible or to blame for
• 对…负责;因…受到谴责
 »if you persist in clinging to me in that way I will not answer for the consequences.
 »the dust mite has a lot to answer for, especially if you are asthmatic.
  [no obj.] (answer to)be responsible or report to (someone)
• (对某人)负有责任;作交代
 »I answer to the Assistant Commissioner of Specialist Operations.
  [no obj.] (answer to)be required to explain or justify oneself to (someone)
• 作出交代;为自己辩解
 »you will have the police to answer to.
2. [with obj.] be suitable for fulfilling (a need); satisfy
• 符合,适合,满足
 »entrepreneurship is necessary to answer the needs of national and international markets.
answer the description of
1. correspond to a description, especially one of a suspect issued by the police
• (尤指警察对嫌疑犯的描述)描述相符
answer to (the name of)
1. (often humorous)be called
[常幽默] 名叫
 »an attractive woman answering to the name of Suzanne.
have (或 know) all the answers
1. [informal] be confident in one's knowledge of something, typically without justification
[非正式] (自命)知晓一切
in answer to
1. as a response to or as a result of
• 作为对…响应;须作交代
 »I hurried along the passage in answer to the doorbell's ring.
1. Old English andswaru (noun), andswarian (verb), of Germanic origin; from a base shared by swear
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