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时间: 2024-09-17 13:36:05



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1. for the reason that; since
• 因为,由于
 »we did it because we felt it our duty.
 » just because I'm inexperienced doesn't mean that I lack perception.
because of
1. on account of; by reason of
• 由于,因为
 »they moved here because of the baby.
1. Middle English : from the phrase by cause, influenced by Old French par cause de 'by reason of'
1. 1 When because follows a negative construction the meaning can be ambiguous. In the sentence he did not go because he was ill for example, it is not clear whether it means either ‘the reason he did not go was that he was ill’ or ‘being ill wasn't the reason for him going; there was another reason’. Some usage guides recommend using a comma when the first interpretation is intended he did not go, because he was ill and no comma where the second interpretation is intended, but it is probably wiser to avoid using because after a negative altogether2 As with other conjunctions such as but and and, it is still widely held that it is incorrect to begin a sentence with because. It has, however, long been used in this way in both written and spoken English (typically for rhetorical effect), and is quite acceptable3 On the construction the reason … is because , see usage at reason
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