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时间: 2024-09-17 13:24:55



/ tFek /

verb, [with obj.]
1. examine (something) in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition, or to detect the presence of something
• 检查,检验
 »customs officers have the right to check all luggage.
 »[no obj.] a simple blood test to check for anaemia.
  verify or establish to one's satisfaction[with clause]
• 查证;核实;确定
 »phone us to check the availability of your chosen holiday.
 »she glanced over her shoulder to check that the door was shut.
  (check against)verify the accuracy of something by comparing it with (something else)
• 核对
 »keep your receipt to check against your statement.
  [N. Amer.] . another way of saying check something off
[北美] check something off
  [N. Amer.] . another way of saying check something in
[北美] check something in
  [S. African] look; see
[南非] 看;看见
 »he is checking the scene like the special branch do .
 »[no obj.] it's a work of art—just check at it!.
2. stop or slow down the progress of (something undesirable)
• 制止;控制
 »efforts were made to check the disease.
  curb or restrain (a feeling or emotion)
• 克制;抑制(情绪,感情)
 »he learned to check his excitement.
  (check oneself)master an involuntary reaction
• 制止(无意识反应)
 »Chris took one step backwards then checked himself .
  [Ice Hockey] hamper or neutralize (an opponent) with one's body or stick
[冰球] (用身体或球棍)阻截(对方)
  (informal, dated)find fault with
[非正式,旧] 挑剔;找…的岔子
 »I was hut orderly, and got checked for dull brass doorknobs .
  [no obj.] (check against)provide a means of preventing
• 防止
 »processes to check against deterioration in the quality of the data held.
  [no obj.] (of a hound) pause to make sure of or regain a scent
• (猎犬)暂停以确认气味或重新嗅得气味
  [no obj.] (of a trained hawk) abandon the intended quarry and fly after other prey
• (受过训练的猎鹰)放弃原来猎物追猎其他猎物
3. [with obj.] [Chess] move a piece or pawn to a square where it attacks (the opposing king)
[棋] 将军
4. [no obj.] (of poker) choose not to make a bet when called upon, allowing another player to do so instead
• (扑克牌)不下赌注(把下注权让给其他牌手)
1. an examination to test or ascertain accuracy, quality, or satisfactory condition
• 检查,检验
 »a campaign calling for regular checks on gas appliances.
 »a health check.
2. a stopping or slowing of progress
• 阻挡;减缓
 »there was no check to the expansion of the market.
  a means of control or restraint
• 控制;遏制
 »a permanent check upon the growth or abuse of central authority.
  [Ice Hockey] an act of hampering or neutralizing an opponent with one's body or stick
[冰球] (用身体或球棍对对方进行的)阻截
  a temporary loss of the scent in hunting
• 追猎中臭迹的暂时消失
  [Falconry] a false stoop when a hawk abandons its intended quarry and pursues other prey
[猎鹰] 猎鹰放弃原来猎物追猎其他猎物时的假扑
  a part of a piano which catches the hammer and prevents it retouching the strings
• 制音器(钢琴中防止音槌再次碰到琴弦的部件)
3. [Chess] a move by which a piece or pawn directly attacks the opponent's king. If the defending player cannot counter the attack, the king is checkmated
[棋] 将对方一军的棋着
  [mass noun] the position resulting from such a move
• 被"将军"的局面
4. [N. Amer.] the bill in a restaurant
[北美] 餐馆账单
  (也作 baggage/luggage check)a token of identification for left luggage
• 寄存行李的凭证
  a counter used as a stake in a gambling game
• (赌博用的)筹码
5. (也作 check mark). North American term for tick (in sense 1)
[北美] tick [义项1]
6. a crack or flaw in timber
• (木材的)裂缝,裂隙
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)expressing assent or agreement
[非正式,主北美] 行!对!
2. used by a chess player to announce that the opponent's king has been placed in check
• (象棋用语)将!
check someone/thing skeef
1. [S. African] give someone or something a disapproving look
[南非] 向某人(某物)不满地看一看
check you
1. [S. African] goodbye
[南非] 再见
in check
1. under control
• 被控制住
 »a way of keeping inflation in check.
2. [Chess] (of a king) directly attacked by an opponent's piece or pawn; (of a player) having the king in this position
[棋] (王)被将军;(棋手的)王被将军
keep a check on
1. monitor
• 监控
 »keep a regular check on your score.
checkable adjective
1. Middle English (originally as used in the game of chess): the noun and exclamation from Old French eschec, from medieval Latin scaccus, via Arabic from Persian šāh 'king'; the verb from Old French eschequier 'play chess, put in check'. The sense 'stop, restrain, or control' arose from the use in chess, and led (in the late 17th cent.) to 'examine the accuracy of, verify'
check in ( 或 check someone in)
1. arrive and register at a hotel or airport
• (到旅馆或机场)登记,入住,到达
 »you must check in at least one hour before take-off.
 »they check in the passengers.
check something in
1. have one's baggage weighed and put aside for consignment to the hold of an aircraft on which one is booked to travel
• (在机场)托运(行李)
  register and leave baggage in a left-luggage department
• (在行李寄存处)登记寄存(行李)
check into
1. register one's arrival at (a hotel)
• 登记入住(旅馆)
check something off
1. tick or otherwise mark an item on a list to show that it has been dealt with
• 在表上列项处打钩(或作记号)
check on
1. verify, ascertain, or monitor the state or condition of
• 核实;查明;监控
 »the doctor had come to check on his patient.
2. another way of saying check up on
• 同 check up on
check out
1. settle one's hotel bill before leaving
• 付账后离开(旅馆)
  [N. Amer. informal] die
check someone/thing out
1. establish the truth or inform oneself about someone or something
• 查实;了解
 »they decided to go and check out a local restaurant.
  prove to be true or correct
• 证明是真实的;证实正确
2. (chiefly N. Amer.)enter the price of goods in a supermarket into a cash machine for addition and payment by a customer
[主北美] (将货物价格输入超市收银机相加)计算出(顾客)应付款
  register something as having been borrowed
• 办理出借登记手续
check something over
1. inspect or examine something thoroughly
• 彻底检查;彻底调查
check through
1. inspect or examine thoroughly
• 查实;核查
check up on
1. investigate in order to establish the truth about or accuracy of
1. a pattern of small squares
• 小方格图案
 »a fine black-and-white check.
  a garment or fabric with such a pattern
• 小方格图案衣物;小方格图案织物
 »on Wednesdays he wore the small check.
1. [attrib.] having such a pattern
• 有小方格图案的
 »a blue check T-shirt.
1. late Middle English: probably from chequer
1. US spelling of cheque
[美] cheque
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