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时间: 2024-09-20 06:07:16



/ 5fidl /

1. [informal] a violin
[非正式] 小提琴
2. (informal, chiefly Brit.)an act of defrauding, cheating, or falsifying
[非正式,主英] 欺骗,欺诈;伪造;骗局
 »a major mortgage fiddle.
3. [informal] a small task that seems awkward and unnecessarily complex
[非正式] 繁琐的小麻烦
 »inserting a tape is a bit of a fiddle.
4. [Nautical] a contrivance, such as a raised rim, that prevents things from rolling or sliding off a table in bad weather
[航海] 餐桌围框
verb, [informal] [非正式]
1. [no obj.] touch or fidget with something in a restless or nervous way
• (紧张、不安地)抚弄,摆弄,拨弄
 »Lena fiddled with her cup.
  tinker with something in an attempt to make minor adjustments or improvements
• (为稍加调整或改进而)摆弄,倒腾
 »he sat in the car and played the radio, fiddling with the knobs.
  (fiddle around)pass time aimlessly, without doing or achieving anything of substance
• 虚度光阴,混时间
2. [with obj.] (chiefly Brit.)falsify (figures, data, or records), typically in order to gain money
[主英] (尤指为赚钱而)伪造,篡改,谎报(数字,数据,记录)
 »everyone is fiddling their expenses.
3. [no obj.] (archaic)play the violin
[古] 拉小提琴
fiddle while Rome burns
1. be concerned with relatively trivial matters while ignoring the serious or disastrous events going on around one
• 只顾小事,不看大局
(as) fit as a fiddle
1. in very good health
• 非常健康
on the fiddle
1. [informal] engaged in cheating or swindling
[非正式] 行骗
play second fiddle to
1. take a less important and subordinate role to someone or something in a way often considered demeaning
• 屈居人下;屈从;迁就
 »she had to play second fiddle to the interests of her husband.
1. Old English fithele, denoting a violin or similar instrument (originally not an informal or depreciatory term), related to Dutch vedel and German Fiedel, based on Latin vitulari 'celebrate a festival, be joyful', perhaps from Vitula, the name of a Roman goddess of joy and victory.
--› compare viol
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