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时间: 2024-09-17 13:23:05



/ kait /

1. a toy consisting of a light frame with thin material stretched over it, flown in the wind at the end of a long string
• 风筝,纸鸢
  [Brit. informal, dated] an aircraft
[英,非正式, 旧] 飞机
  [Sailing, informal] a spinnaker or other high, light sail
[航海非正式] 大三角帆;高而轻的帆船
2. a medium to large long-winged bird of prey which typically has a forked tail and frequently soars on updraughts of air
• 鸢
3. Milvus and other genera, family Accipitridae: many species, in particular the red kite and black kite
• 鸢属及其他属,鹰科:多种,尤指红鸢和黑鸢
4. [informal] a fraudulent cheque, bill, or receipt
[非正式] 空头支票(或账单、收据)
  an illicit or surreptitious letter or note
• 非法(或秘密)的信件(便条)
  (archaic)a person who exploits or preys on others
[古] 剥削者,掠夺者
5. [Geometry] a quadrilateral figure having two pairs of equal adjacent sides, symmetrical only about its diagonals
[几何] 有两对邻边相等,按对角线对称的四边形
1. [no obj.] [usu. as noun kiting] fly a kite
• 放风筝
  [with adverbial of direction] fly; move quickly
• 飞;飞奔
 »he kited into England on Concorde.
2. [with obj.] (informal, chieflyN. Amer)write or use (a cheque, bill, or receipt) fraudulently
[非正式,主北美] 开具(使用)空头支票(或账单、收据)
(as) high as a kite
1. [informal] intoxicated with drugs or alcohol
[非正式] 被毒品麻醉;喝醉
1. Old English cȳta (as a noun in sense 2); probably of imitative origin and related to German Kauz 'screech owl'. The toy was so named because it hovers in the air like the bird
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