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时间: 2024-10-06 21:57:46



/ nais /

1. pleasant; agreeable ; satisfactory
• 愉快的;宜人的;令人满意的
 »we had a very nice time.
 »that wasn't very nice of him.
 »Jeremy had been very nice to her.
 »a nice hot cup of tea.
  (of a person) pleasant in manner; good-natured; kind
• (人)举止讨人喜欢的;和蔼的;热心的
 »he's a really nice guy.
2. fine or subtle
• 细致的,细微的
 »a nice distinction.
  requiring careful thought or attention
• 微妙的
 »a nice point.
3. (archaic)fastidious ; scrupulous
[古] 挑剔的;谨慎的
make nice (或 nice-nice)
1. [N. Amer. informal] be pleasant or polite to someone, typically in a hypocritical way
[北美,非正式] (尤指虚伪地)对某人友好(礼貌)
nice and —
1. satisfactorily or adequately in terms of the quality described
• 令人满意地,恰到好处地
 »it's nice and warm in here.
nice one
1. [informal] expressing approval or commendation
[非正式] 很好,不错
nice to meet you
1. a polite formula used on being introduced to someone
• 很高兴认识你(被介绍给别人时使用的一句礼貌用语)
nice work
1. [informal] expressing approval of a task well done
[非正式] 干得很好,干得不错
nice work if you can get it
1. [informal] used to express envy of what is perceived to be another person's more favourable situation, especially if they seem to have reached it with little effort
[非正式] 能有那样就好了(尤用于表示对他人未花费很大努力就得到的有利条件的羡慕)
niceness noun
1. Middle English (in the sense 'stupid'): from Old French, from Latin nescius 'ignorant', from nescire 'not know'. Other early senses included 'coy, reserved', giving rise to 'fastidious, scrupulous': this led both to the sense 'fine, subtle' (regarded by some as the ‘correct’ sense), and to the main current senses
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