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时间: 2024-09-20 08:49:53



/ 5stiki /

(stickier, stickiest)
1. tending or designed to stick to things on contact or covered with something that sticks
• 黏的,黏性的;覆盖有黏性物质的
 »sticky cakes and pastries.
 »sticky tape.
  (of a substance) glutinous; viscous
• (物质)黏性的;发黏的
 »the dough should be moist but not sticky.
  (of prices, interest rates, or wages) slow to change or react to change
• (价格,利率,薪水)变化缓慢的;对变化反应缓慢的
2. (of the weather) hot and damp; muggy
• (天气)湿热的;闷热的
 »it was an unusually hot and sticky summer.
  damp with sweat
• (由于出汗)潮湿的
 »she felt hot and sticky and changed her clothes.
3. [informal] involving problems; difficult or awkward
[非正式] 卷入麻烦的;困难的;难对付的
 »the relationship is going through a sticky patch.
4. [informal] (of a website) attracting a long visit or repeat visits from users
[非正式] (网站)人气旺的
 »experts measure the attractiveness of pages by how sticky they are.
1. a piece of yellow paper with an adhesive strip on one side
• (一面带有胶条的)黄色粘贴纸
come to a sticky end
--› see end
sticky fingers
1. [informal] a propensity to steal
[非正式] 偷窃的习性,惯偷
stickily adverb
stickiness noun
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