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时间: 2024-09-29 00:48:07



/ 5seɡmEnt /

1. each of the parts into which something is or may be divided
• 部分;片段
  a portion of time allocated to a particular broadcast item on radio or television
• (广播电视节目)时间段
  a separate broadcast item, typically one of a number that make up a particular programme
• 某一时段单独播放的节目
  [Phonetics] the smallest distinct part of a spoken utterance, especially with regard to vowel and consonant sounds rather than stress or intonation
[语音学] (元音、辅音的)切分成分
  [Zoology] each of the series of similar anatomical units of which the body and appendages of some animals are composed, such as the visible rings of an earthworm's body
[动] 体节;节
2. [Geometry] a part of a figure cut off by a line or plane intersecting it, in particular
[几何] 用线(或面)截得的部分图形,尤指
  the part of a circle enclosed between an arc and a chord
• 弓形
  the part of a line included between two points
• 线段
  the part of a sphere cut off by any plane not passing through the centre
• 球缺
1. [with obj.] divide (something) into separate parts or sections
• 分割;划分
 »the unemployed are segmented into two groups.
  [no obj.] divide into separate parts or sections
• 分割;划分
 »the market is beginning to segment into a number of well-defined categories.
  [no obj.] [Embryology] (of a cell) undergo cleavage; divide into many cells
[胚] (细胞)分裂
segmentary adjective
segmentation noun
1. late 16th cent. (as a term in geometry): from Latin segmentum, from secare 'to cut'. The verb dates from the mid 19th cent
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