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score 中文

时间: 2024-09-20 05:43:57



/ skC: /

1. the number of points, goals, runs, etc. achieved in a game
• (比赛中的)得分
 »the final score was 4–3 to Royston.
  the number of points, goals, runs, etc. achieved by an individual player or a team in a game
• 比赛中团队(或队员个人)的得分
 »his highest score of the season.
  [informal] an act of gaining a goal or point in a game
[非正式] 得分行为
  a rating or grade, such as a mark achieved in a test
• (测试中)评分,得分,分数
 »an IQ score of 161.
  (the score)[informal] the state of affairs; the real facts about the present situation
[非正式] 事实;真实情况
 »‘What's wrong Simon? What's the score?’.
  [informal] an act of buying illegal drugs
[非正式] 毒品到手
  [informal] the proceeds of a crime
[非正式] 犯罪所得
2. [复同单] a group or set of twenty or about twenty
• 二十;约二十个
 »a score of men lost their lives in the battle.
 »Doyle's success brought imitators by the score.
  (scores of)a large amount or number of something
• 很多
 »he sent scores of enthusiastic letters to friends.
3. a written representation of a musical composition showing all the vocal and instrumental parts arranged one below the other
• 音乐总谱
  the music composed for a film or play
• (电影或戏剧的)配乐
4. a notch or line cut or scratched into a surface
• 刻痕;划痕
  (historical)a running account kept by marks against a customer's name, typically in a public house
[史] (尤指酒馆中有对应顾客名字刻痕的)往来账户
verb, [with obj.]
1. gain (a point, goal, run, etc.) in a competitive game
• (比赛中)得分
 »McCartney scored a fine goal.
 »[no obj.] Wilson outstripped his marker to score.
  decide on the score to be awarded to (a competitor)
• 决定奖给(选手)分
  gain (a number of points) for a competitor; be worth
• 得分;值
 »a yes answer scores ten points.
  decide on the scores to be awarded in (a match or competition)
• (比赛或竞赛中)决定给分
  [no obj.] record the score during a game; act as scorer
• (比赛过程中)记分
  [Baseball] cause (a teammate) to score
[棒球] 使(队友)得分
  [informal] secure (a success or an advantage)
[非正式] 确保(胜利,优势)
 »the band scored a hit single.
  [no obj.] [informal] be successful
[非正式] 成功
 »[with complement] his new movie scored big.
  [informal] buy or acquire (something, typically illegal drugs)
[非正式] 购买,取得(尤指毒品)
 »Sally had scored some acid.
  [no obj.] [informal] succeed in attracting a sexual partner, typically for a casual encounter
[非正式] (尤指偶然相遇时)吸引住性伴
2. orchestrate or arrange (a piece of music), typically for a specified instrument or instruments
• (尤指为一种规定乐器或数种乐器)精心编曲
 »the Quartet Suite was scored for flute, violin, viola da gamba, and continuo.
  compose the music for (a film or play)
• 为(电影,戏剧)配乐
3. cut or scratch a notch or line on (a surface)
• (在表面上)刻痕,画线
 »score the card until you cut through.
  (historical)record (a total owed) by making marks against a customer's name
[史] 在账本上对着顾客的名字做记号(欠账)
 »a slate on which the old man scored up vast accounts.
  [Medicine & Biology] examine (experimentally treated cells, bacterial colonies, etc.), making a record of the number showing a particular character
[医,生] 检测(实验细胞、菌落等),并记录有某种特征的数量
keep (the) score
1. register the score of a game as it is made
• 记分
know the score
1. [informal] be aware of the essential facts about a situation
[非正式] 了解情况(指主要事实)
on the score of
1. [Brit.] because of
[英] 因为
 »power-driven hedge trimmers tend to get a bad press on the score of danger.
on that (或 this) score
1. so far as that (or this) is concerned
• 就这(那)一点而言
 »my priority was to blend new faces into the team and we have succeeded on that score.
score points
1. outdo another person, especially in an argument
• (尤指辩论中) 超过别人
score points off
1. another way of saying score off below
• 同 score off
settle (或 pay) a (或 the) score
1. take revenge on someone for something damaging that they have done in the past
• 报复
2. [dated] pay off a debt or other obligation
[旧] 偿还债务;履行义务
scoreless adjective
1. late Old English scoru 'set of twenty', from Old Norse skor 'notch, tally, twenty', of Germanic origin; related to shear. The verb (late Middle English) is from Old Norse skora make an 'incision'
score off
1. [Brit. informal] outdo or humiliate, especially in an argument
[英,非正式] (尤指辩论中) 胜过;羞辱
score something out/through
1. delete text by drawing a line through it
• 划掉,删除(文章)
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