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时间: 2024-09-29 03:45:14


1. The painting depicts a beautiful sunset over the ocean.


2. The movie depicts the struggles of a young immigrant trying to make a life in a new country.


3. The artist chose to depict the city skyline in a bold, abstract style.


4. The novel vividly depicts the harsh realities of life in a war-torn country.


5. The mural depicts scenes from the town's history.


6. The documentary depicts the lives of endangered species in their natural habitats.


7. The painting depicts a mother and child embracing.


8. The film accurately depicts the events leading up to the revolution.


9. The sculpture depicts a figure from Greek mythology.


10. The artist's work often depicts themes of love and loss.


11. 这幅画描绘了一片宁静的田园风光。

(The painting depicts a peaceful rural landscape.)

12. 这部电影以真实的方式描绘了一位著名音乐家的生平。

(The film depicts the life of a famous musician in a realistic way.)

13. 这幅油画生动地描绘了一对恋人在海滩上漫步。

(The oil painting vividly depicts a couple strolling on the beach.)

14. 这部纪录片描绘了城市贫民窟中的艰难生活。

(The documentary depicts the difficult lives in urban slums.)

15. 这部小说描绘了一个未来世界的科幻场景。

(The novel depicts a science fiction scenario of a future world.)

16. 这幅素描描绘了一位老人的沧桑面容。

(The sketch depicts the weathered face of an old man.)

17. 这部电影以夸张的方式描绘了社会问题。

(The film depicts social issues in an exaggerated way.)

18. 这幅壁画描绘了当地传统的色彩和图案。

(The mural depicts the local traditional colors and patterns.)

19. 这本书描绘了一个家庭的复杂关系。

(The book depicts the complex relationships within a family.)

20. 这张照片描绘了城市的繁华景象。

(The photograph depicts the bustling scene of the city.)

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