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时间: 2024-09-13 22:58:22


1. The real estate agent showed us several houses in the area. 房地产经纪人给我们看了该地区的几栋房子。

2. The secret agent was tasked with gathering intelligence on the enemy. 秘密特工被派去收集敌人的情报。

3. The travel agent helped us book our vacation to Europe. 旅行代理帮助我们预订了去欧洲的度假。

4. The cleaning agent removed the tough stains from the carpet. 清洁剂去除了地毯上的顽固污渍。

5. The agent negotiated a better deal for the company. 代理人为公司谈判了一笔更好的交易。

6. The agent of change worked tirelessly to improve the community. 变革的代理人不知疲倦地努力改善社区。

7. The agent of the government investigates cases of corruption. 政府的特派员调查腐败案件。

8. The agent provocateur tried to incite violence at the protest. 挑衅者试图在抗议活动中煽动暴力。

9. The chemical agent caused a reaction when mixed with the other substances. 这种化学试剂与其他物质混合会引发反应。

10. The agent for the artist arranged a gallery exhibition for their work. 艺术家的代理人为他们的作品安排了画廊展览。

11. The FBI agent was on the trail of the notorious criminal. 联邦调查局的特工正在追踪臭名昭著的罪犯。

12. The agent of chaos sought to disrupt the peaceful protest. 混乱的代理人试图破坏和平抗议。

13. The agent in charge of the investigation collected evidence at the crime scene. 负责调查的特工在犯罪现场收集证据。

14. The literary agent helped the author secure a publishing deal. 文学代理人帮助作者获得了出版合同。

15. The cleaning agent sanitized the surfaces in the hospital. 清洁剂对医院的表面进行了消毒。

16. The agent of the law ensured that justice was served. 法律的代理人确保了正义的实现。

17. The agent of the company negotiated a merger with a rival firm. 公司的代理人与竞争对手公司谈判合并事宜。

18. The agent of the government was responsible for overseeing the distribution of aid to the disaster-stricken area. 政府的代理人负责监督向灾区分发援助物资。

19. The agent of change advocated for social reforms. 变革的代理人倡导社会改革。

20. The cleaning agent effectively removed the grime from the kitchen surfaces. 清洁剂有效地去除了厨房表面的污垢。

上一个 【英语】agitation的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】agency的例句



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