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时间: 2024-10-06 21:00:16


1. The doctor induced labor to help the mother give birth.


2. The warm weather can induce a feeling of relaxation and contentment.


3. The company offered inducements to attract new employees.


4. The loud music induced a headache in many of the guests.


5. The hypnotist induced a state of deep relaxation in his subject.


6. The drug can induce sleep in patients with insomnia.


7. The high salary was an inducement for him to take the job.


8. The teacher tried to induce the students to participate in the class discussion.


9. The advertisement was designed to induce consumers to buy the product.


10. The smell of freshly baked bread can induce hunger.


11. The company offered inducements to encourage employees to stay with the company.


12. The drug can induce feelings of euphoria in some users.


13. The government is trying to induce more people to get vaccinated against the flu.


14. The salesman used inducements to persuade the customer to make a purchase.


15. The bright lights induced a feeling of excitement in the crowd.


16. The manager offered an inducement of a bonus to motivate the employees.


17. The drug can induce drowsiness as a side effect.


18. The company used inducements to attract investors to their new project.


19. The hypnotist induced a state of relaxation in his patient.


20. The smell of flowers can induce a sense of calm and well-being.


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