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时间: 2024-09-20 01:06:48


1. I have a vivid memory of my first day at school.(我对我的第一天上学的记忆犹新。)

2. Her memory of the accident is still very clear.(她对事故的记忆仍然很清晰。)

3. The old man's memory is starting to fade.(老人的记忆开始模糊。)

4. The memory of her smile stayed with him for years.(她微笑的记忆在他心里停留了多年。)

5. He has a great memory for faces.(他对人脸的记忆力很好。)

6. The museum has a collection of historical artifacts that bring the past to life in the memories of visitors.(博物馆收藏了许多历史文物,让游客们在回忆中重温过去。)

7. The memory of her childhood in the countryside is still very dear to her.(她对自己在乡村度过的童年的记忆仍然珍贵。)

8. The memory of the war haunted him for the rest of his life.(战争的记忆在他的余生中一直萦绕着他。)

9. She has a sharp memory and can recall details from years ago.(她记忆力很好,可以回忆起多年前的细节。)

10. The memory of his father's death still brings tears to his eyes.(对父亲去世的记忆仍然让他泪流满面。)

11. The computer has a large memory capacity.(这台电脑的存储容量很大。)

12. The memory of their wedding day will always be cherished.(他们婚礼的记忆将永远珍贵。)

13. His memory of the event is hazy.(他对这件事的记忆模糊。)

14. The memory of her kindness will always stay with me.(她的善良的记忆将永远留在我心中。)

15. The memory of the old house brought back a flood of emotions.(对那所旧房子的记忆让他涌上了一股情感。)

16. The memory of her laughter filled the room.(她的笑声的记忆充满了整个房间。)

17. He has a photographic memory and can remember everything he reads.(他有一种像照相一样的记忆力,可以记住他读过的一切。)

18. The memory of their time together will always be precious to me.(和他们在一起的时光的记忆对我来说永远珍贵。)

19. The memory of her voice echoed in his mind.(她的声音的记忆在他脑海中回荡。)

20. The memory of her mother's cooking always brings a smile to her face.(对母亲烹饪的记忆总是让她微笑。)

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