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时间: 2024-10-06 18:52:16


1. I will connect you with the right person to help you with your problem.(我会把你与合适的人联系起来,帮助你解决问题。)

2. The bridge connects the two islands.(这座桥连接了两个岛屿。)

3. We need to connect the printer to the computer in order to print the document.(我们需要把打印机连接到电脑上才能打印文件。)

4. The phone call connected me with my long-lost friend.(这通电话让我与失散已久的朋友联系上了。)

5. The internet allows people to connect with each other from all over the world.(互联网使得全世界的人们能够相互联系。)

6. The two roads connect at the end of the street.(这两条路在街尾相连。)

7. The power outage disconnected our phone line.(停电使我们的电话线断开了。)

8. The cable company will send a technician to connect our new cable box.(有线电视公司会派一名技术员来连接我们的新有线盒。)

9. A shared interest in music helped them connect and become friends.(对音乐的共同爱好帮助他们建立联系并成为朋友。)

10. The train station connects this town to the rest of the country.(这个火车站把这个小镇与全国其他地方连接了起来。)

11. The wires need to be connected properly for the lights to turn on.(灯要亮起来,电线必须连接正确。)

12. The airport shuttle bus connects the airport to the city center.(机场班车把机场和市中心连接起来。)

13. The professor connected the dots between several different theories to form a new hypothesis.(教授把几种不同的理论联系起来,形成了一个新的假设。)

14. The new highway will connect the two cities and reduce travel time.(这条新的高速公路将连接这两个城市,缩短行车时间。)

15. The Wi-Fi network allows all devices to connect to the internet.(无线网络让所有设备都能连接到互联网。)

16. The charity event helped connect donors with those in need.(慈善活动帮助捐赠者与有需要的人建立联系。)

17. The puzzle pieces finally connected, revealing the hidden picture.(拼图的片段最终连接在一起,揭示了隐藏的图片。)

18. The new train line will connect the suburbs to the city center.(新的火车线路将把郊区与市中心连接起来。)

19. The computer program failed to connect to the server.(电脑程序无法连接到服务器。)

20. The documentary connected the viewer with the struggles of the characters.(这部纪录片让观众与角色的挣扎联系在一起。)

上一个 【英语】naval的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】connection的例句



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