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时间: 2024-09-20 07:00:11


1. The budget constraint limited our ability to purchase a new car this year.(预算限制了我们今年购买新车的能力。)

2. The company faced constraints in terms of resources and manpower.(公司在资源和人力方面面临限制。)

3. She felt constrained by the rules and regulations of the organization.(她感到受到组织的规章制度的约束。)

4. The project was delayed due to time constraints.(由于时间限制,项目推迟了。)

5. The constraint of distance made it difficult for them to see each other often.(距离的限制使他们难以经常见面。)

6. The constraint of poverty prevented them from pursuing their dreams.(贫困的限制阻止了他们追求梦想。)

7. The constraint of language barrier hindered effective communication.(语言障碍的限制妨碍了有效沟通。)

8. The constraint of lack of experience made it challenging for him to find a job.(缺乏经验的限制使他很难找到工作。)

9. The constraint of physical disability limited her mobility.(身体残疾的限制限制了她的活动能力。)

10. The constraint of financial obligations forced him to take on multiple jobs.(财务义务的限制迫使他从事多份工作。)

11. The constraint of time prevented them from completing the project on schedule.(时间的限制使他们无法按计划完成项目。)

12. The constraint of lack of funding hindered the development of the research project.(缺乏资金的限制阻碍了研究项目的发展。)

13. The constraint of legal restrictions limited their ability to expand the business.(法律限制的限制限制了他们扩大业务的能力。)

14. The constraint of weather conditions affected the success of the outdoor event.(天气条件的限制影响了户外活动的成功。)

15. The constraint of personal commitments made it difficult for her to travel for work.(个人承诺的限制使她难以出差工作。)

16. The constraint of distance between their homes made it challenging for them to maintain a long-distance relationship.(家庭之间的距离限制使他们难以维持远距离关系。)

17. The constraint of lack of access to technology hindered their ability to complete the project efficiently.(技术获取的限制妨碍了他们高效完成项目的能力。)

18. The constraint of limited space in the apartment forced them to downsize their furniture.(公寓空间有限的限制迫使他们减少家具。)

19. The constraint of health issues prevented her from participating in the marathon.(健康问题的限制阻止她参加马拉松比赛。)

20. The constraint of language proficiency made it challenging for him to communicate effectively with his foreign colleagues.(语言熟练度的限制使他难以有效地与外国同事交流。)

上一个 【英语】constrain的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】construct的例句



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