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时间: 2024-09-19 19:44:31


1. The earthquake destroyed several buildings in the city. (地震摧毁了城市里的几栋建筑。)

2. The fire completely destroyed the old house. (火灾彻底摧毁了这座老房子。)

3. The invading army sought to destroy the enemy's supply lines. (入侵的军队试图摧毁敌人的补给线。)

4. The virus can destroy a person's immune system. (这种病毒可以摧毁一个人的免疫系统。)

5. The company's unethical practices could destroy its reputation. (公司的不道德行为可能毁了它的声誉。)

6. The tornado destroyed everything in its path. (龙卷风摧毁了它的一切路径上的一切。)

7. The dictator sought to destroy all opposition to his rule. (独裁者试图消灭所有反对他统治的力量。)

8. Overuse of pesticides can destroy the natural balance of an ecosystem. (过度使用农药会毁掉生态系统的自然平衡。)

9. The hacker's attack was designed to destroy the company's database. (黑客的攻击旨在摧毁公司的数据库。)

10. The floodwaters destroyed crops and homes in the low-lying areas. (洪水摧毁了低洼地区的农作物和房屋。)

11. The dictator's regime destroyed the country's economy. (独裁者的统治摧毁了国家的经济。)

12. The hurricane destroyed the coastal town. (飓风摧毁了沿海小镇。)

13. The invasive species has the potential to destroy native plant populations. (入侵物种有可能摧毁本地植物群落。)

14. The toxic waste from the factory has the potential to destroy the local environment. (工厂排放的有毒废物有可能毁掉当地的环境。)

15. The war destroyed families and communities. (战争摧毁了家庭和社区。)

16. The economic downturn nearly destroyed the small business. (经济衰退几乎毁了这家小企业。)

17. The volcano's eruption destroyed homes and infrastructure. (火山的喷发摧毁了房屋和基础设施。)

18. The disease has the potential to destroy entire populations. (这种疾病有可能毁掉整个人群。)

19. The corrupt government's policies are destroying the country's future. (腐败的政府政策正在毁掉国家的未来。)

20. The relentless pursuit of profit can destroy the ethical fabric of a company. (对利润的不懈追求可能毁掉一家公司的道德风貌。)

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