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时间: 2024-10-06 18:55:20


1. The security system is designed to detect any unauthorized entry into the building.


2. The doctor was able to detect the early signs of the disease and start treatment promptly.


3. The police used a drug-sniffing dog to detect illegal substances at the airport.


4. The new technology can detect minute changes in air quality.


5. The radar system is able to detect incoming missiles from long distances.


6. The scientist developed a method to detect the presence of water on distant planets.


7. The doctor performed a series of tests to detect the cause of the patient's symptoms.


8. The security cameras can detect any movement in the area and alert the authorities.


9. The sensor is able to detect changes in temperature and adjust the thermostat accordingly.


10. The scientist used a special dye to detect the presence of a specific protein in the sample.


11. 这种仪器可以检测出粒子的位置和速度。

(The instrument can detect the position and velocity of particles.)

12. 他们使用了化学试剂来检测水中的污染物。

(They used chemical reagents to detect pollutants in the water.)

13. 这种设备可以检测出人体的心率和血压。

(This device can detect a person's heart rate and blood pressure.)

14. 警察犬能够检测出毒品隐藏的地方。

(The police dog can detect the hiding place of drugs.)

15. 这种传感器可以检测出室内温度的变化。

(This sensor can detect changes in indoor temperature.)

16. 科学家们设法检测出了地震的前兆。

(Scientists managed to detect the precursors of the earthquake.)

17. 这种仪器可以检测出空气中有害气体的浓度。

(This instrument can detect the concentration of harmful gases in the air.)

18. 这种技术可以检测出食品中的细菌污染。

(This technology can detect bacterial contamination in food.)

19. 这个软件可以检测出网络中的安全漏洞。

(This software can detect security vulnerabilities in the network.)

20. 这种设备可以检测出地下管道的损坏。

(This device can detect damage to underground pipelines.)

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