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时间: 2024-10-06 22:53:29


1. The diversion of the river caused flooding in the nearby town. 翻译:河流的改道导致了附近城镇的洪水。

2. The movie was a delightful diversion from the stress of everyday life. 翻译:这部电影是日常生活压力的一种愉快消遣。

3. The diversion of funds from the project led to its failure. 翻译:项目资金的转移导致了它的失败。

4. The diversion of attention from the main issue was frustrating. 翻译:对主要问题的注意力分散令人沮丧。

5. The diversion of flights to another airport due to bad weather caused inconvenience for passengers. 翻译:由于恶劣天气,航班被转移到另一个机场,给乘客带来了不便。

6. Playing games was a diversion from the boredom of waiting. 翻译:玩游戏是对等待无聊的一种消遣。

7. The diversion of resources to the new project left the old one struggling. 翻译:资源转移到新项目使得旧项目陷入困境。

8. The diversion of traffic away from the accident scene helped clear the area for emergency vehicles. 翻译:交通的转移使事故现场得以清理出来,以便紧急车辆通过。

9. The diversion of the conversation to a lighter topic lifted everyone's spirits. 翻译:谈话的转移至轻松话题提高了所有人的情绪。

10. The diversion of the hiking trail led to a beautiful hidden waterfall. 翻译:徒步小径的转移导致了一个美丽的隐藏瀑布。

11. The diversion of the company's focus to new markets proved to be a successful strategy. 翻译:公司的注意力转移到新市场被证明是一种成功的策略。

12. The diversion of the train route caused delays for commuters. 翻译:火车路线的转移导致了通勤者的延误。

13. The diversion of the criminal's attention allowed the hostage to escape. 翻译:罪犯的注意力被转移,使得人质得以逃脱。

14. The diversion of resources to disaster relief efforts helped the affected communities recover. 翻译:资源的转移到灾害救援工作有助于受灾社区的恢复。

15. The diversion of the river for irrigation purposes improved crop yields. 翻译:为了灌溉目的而转移河流改善了农作物的产量。

16. The diversion of attention from the task at hand resulted in mistakes. 翻译:对手头任务的注意力转移导致了错误。

17. The diversion of the school bus route due to construction caused longer travel times for students. 翻译:由于施工,校车路线的转移导致了学生的旅行时间变长。

18. The diversion of the funds to personal accounts was discovered during the audit. 翻译:在审计中发现了资金转移到个人账户的情况。

19. The diversion of the hiking trail led to an unexpected encounter with wildlife. 翻译:徒步小径的转移导致了与野生动物意外的相遇。

20. The diversion of the suspect's attention allowed the police to make an arrest. 翻译:对嫌疑人注意力的转移使得警方能够逮捕他。

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