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时间: 2024-09-20 14:28:20


1. The team continues to dominate the competition with their impressive skills. 这个团队继续以他们令人印象深刻的技能在比赛中占据主导地位。

2. The large corporation has managed to dominate the market for years. 这家大型公司已经成功地主导市场多年了。

3. The champion boxer was able to dominate his opponent in the ring. 那位冠军拳击手能够在拳击比赛中占据优势。

4. The dictator sought to dominate the entire region through fear and force. 这个独裁者试图通过恐惧和武力来主宰整个地区。

5. The new technology has the potential to dominate the industry. 这项新技术有可能主导这个行业。

6. The strong winds began to dominate the weather, causing chaos. 强风开始主导天气,造成了混乱。

7. The dominant culture tends to overshadow the traditions of minority groups. 主导文化往往会掩盖少数群体的传统。

8. The aggressive player always tries to dominate the game. 这位好斗的球员总是试图主导比赛。

9. The powerful country seeks to dominate global politics. 这个强大的国家试图主导全球政治。

10. The teacher's loud voice seemed to dominate the classroom. 老师的大声音似乎占据了整个教室。

11. The dominant species in the ecosystem controls the food chain. 生态系统中的主导物种控制着食物链。

12. The political party aims to dominate the upcoming election. 这个政党的目标是在即将到来的选举中占据主导地位。

13. The aggressive behavior of the dog allowed it to dominate the other animals in the pack. 这只狗的攻击行为使得它能够主宰群体中的其他动物。

14. The dominant color in the painting draws attention to the focal point. 画作中的主导颜色吸引了人们对焦点的注意。

15. The powerful corporation has the ability to dominate the market with its resources. 这家强大的公司有能力凭借其资源主导市场。

16. The dominant narrative in the media shapes public opinion. 媒体中的主导叙事塑造了公众舆论。

17. The aggressive player's attempts to dominate the game were met with resistance from the opposing team. 这位好斗的球员试图主导比赛,但遭到了对方球队的抵抗。

18. The dominant culture imposes its values on minority groups. 主导文化把自己的价值观强加给少数群体。

19. The dominant male lion controls the pride and its territory. 主导的雄狮控制着狮群和领地。

20. The dominant company in the industry sets the standards for others to follow. 该行业的主导公司设定了其他公司要遵循的标准。

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