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时间: 2024-09-20 12:57:46


1. The germ of an idea that eventually became a bestselling novel.(一个最终成为畅销小说的想法的萌芽)

2. The germ of a virus can spread quickly if proper precautions are not taken.(如果不采取适当的预防措施,病毒的微生物会迅速传播)

3. The germ of the problem lies in miscommunication between departments.(问题的根源在于部门之间的误解)

4. The germ theory of disease revolutionized medicine.(病原微生物学说改变了医学)

5. She was so afraid of germs that she refused to touch anything in public places.(她非常害怕细菌,拒绝在公共场所触摸任何东西)

6. The germ of democracy was planted in ancient Greece.(民主的萌芽在古希腊种下了)

7. The germ of an idea can lead to great things if nurtured properly.(如果适当培养,一个想法的萌芽可以导致伟大的事情)

8. The germ of a rebellion was brewing among the oppressed workers.(受压迫的工人中正在酝酿一场反叛的萌芽)

9. The germ of a smile played at the corners of his mouth.(微笑的萌芽在他嘴角闪现)

10. The germ of doubt had been planted in her mind and she couldn't shake it.(怀疑的微生物已经在她的脑海中种下,她无法摆脱它)

11. The germ of an idea can come from anywhere.(一个想法的萌芽可以来自任何地方)

12. The germ of creativity can be sparked by a simple observation.(创造力的萌芽可以由简单的观察点燃)

13. The germ of a love affair was beginning to grow between them.(一场恋爱的萌芽正在他们之间开始生长)

14. The germ of an idea for a new business venture was taking shape in his mind.(一个新商业企业的想法萌芽在他的脑海中形成)

15. The germ of a new scientific discovery was waiting to be uncovered.(一项新的科学发现的萌芽正在等待揭示)

16. The germ of an infectious disease can be deadly if not treated promptly.(如果不及时治疗,传染病的微生物会有致命的危险)

17. The germ of a song was playing in her head and she couldn't wait to write it down.(一首歌的萌芽在她的脑海中播放,她迫不及待地想写下来)

18. The germ of an idea can be the start of something amazing.(一个想法的萌芽可以是惊人之事的开始)

19. The germ of a friendship was formed when they met at the coffee shop.(当他们在咖啡店相遇时,一段友谊的萌芽就形成了)

20. The germ of hope was all she had left in the face of adversity.(在逆境中,希望的萌芽是她所剩无几的)

上一个 【英语】garment的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】glossary的例句



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