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时间: 2024-09-20 12:07:10


1. 这只兔子在地洞里挖了一个巢穴。

The rabbit dug a burrow in the ground.

2. 我们在地洞里发现了一只狐狸。

We found a fox in the burrow.

3. 这个地区有很多地洞,可能是由于地下水流造成的。

There are many burrows in this area, possibly caused by underground water flow.

4. 孩子们喜欢在地洞里玩耍。

The children like to play in the burrow.

5. 地洞里黑漆漆的,我一点都看不见。

It's pitch black in the burrow, I can't see anything.

6. 狐狸在地洞里生了一窝小狐狸。

The fox had a litter of cubs in the burrow.

7. 我们用一个手电筒在地洞里照明。

We used a flashlight to illuminate the burrow.

8. 地洞里有很多蜘蛛网。

There are many spider webs in the burrow.

9. 这只兔子正在地洞里睡觉。

The rabbit is sleeping in the burrow.

10. 我们发现了一条地洞通向地下的隧道。

We found a burrow leading to an underground tunnel.

11. 狐狸在地洞里找到了一个安全的藏身之处。

The fox found a safe hiding place in the burrow.

12. 我们发现了一条地洞,可能是某种动物挖的。

We found a burrow, possibly dug by some animal.

13. 我们需要小心地穿过这片地区,因为有很多地洞。

We need to be careful when walking through this area, as there are many burrows.

14. 地洞里有一种特殊的气味,可能是动物留下的。

There is a distinct smell in the burrow, possibly left by an animal.

15. 狐狸把地洞挖得很深,很难被人发现。

The fox dug the burrow deep, making it hard to be found by people.

16. 孩子们在地洞里找到了一些蘑菇。

The children found some mushrooms in the burrow.

17. 我们在地洞里发现了一些蛇。

We found some snakes in the burrow.

18. 这个地区有很多地洞,可能是由于地震造成的。

There are many burrows in this area, possibly caused by earthquakes.

19. 我们在地洞里找到了一些古代的遗物。

We found some ancient artifacts in the burrow.

20. 地洞是动物的家园,提供了安全的避难所。

The burrow is the home of animals, providing a safe refuge.

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