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时间: 2024-10-07 12:51:51


1. The merchant sold a variety of goods at his store.


2. The merchant was known for his fair prices and high-quality products.


3. The merchant traveled from town to town, selling his wares.


4. The merchant was able to negotiate a good deal with the supplier.


5. The merchant's business was booming, thanks to his excellent customer service.


6. The merchant set up a stall at the market to sell his goods.


7. The merchant had to haggle with the customer over the price of the goods.


8. The merchant imported exotic goods from overseas to sell in his shop.


9. The merchant's reputation for honesty and integrity attracted many loyal customers.


10. The merchant carefully inspected each item before putting it up for sale.


11. 这位商人在他的商店里出售各种商品。

(The merchant sold a variety of goods at his store.)

12. 这位商人以公平的价格和高质量的产品而闻名。

(The merchant was known for his fair prices and high-quality products.)

13. 这个商人从一个城镇走到另一个城镇,兜售他的商品。

(The merchant traveled from town to town, selling his wares.)

14. 这位商人成功地与供应商谈成了一笔好的交易。

(The merchant was able to negotiate a good deal with the supplier.)

15. 这位商人的生意蒸蒸日上,多亏了他出色的客户服务。

(The merchant's business was booming, thanks to his excellent customer service.)

16. 这位商人在市场上摆摊,出售他的商品。

(The merchant set up a stall at the market to sell his goods.)

17. 这位商人不得不与顾客就商品的价格讨价还价。

(The merchant had to haggle with the customer over the price of the goods.)

18. 这位商人从海外进口异国情调的商品在他的商店里出售。

(The merchant imported exotic goods from overseas to sell in his shop.)

19. 这位商人以诚实和正直而闻名,吸引了许多忠实的顾客。

(The merchant's reputation for honesty and integrity attracted many loyal customers.)

20. 这位商人在出售商品之前仔细检查每一件商品。

(The merchant carefully inspected each item before putting it up for sale.)

上一个 【英语】commercial的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】amendment的例句



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