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时间: 2024-10-07 04:54:25


1. I derive great satisfaction from helping others. 我从帮助他人中得到了极大的满足感。

2. The word "doctor" is derived from the Latin word "docere," meaning "to teach." 单词“医生”源自拉丁语单词“docere”,意思是“教书”。

3. She derives her strength from her family and friends. 她从家人和朋友那里获得力量。

4. The company derives most of its revenue from overseas sales. 公司大部分收入来自海外销售。

5. Many English words are derived from French. 许多英语单词源自法语。

6. He derives pleasure from playing the piano. 他从弹钢琴中得到快乐。

7. The film is derived from a popular novel. 这部电影改编自一本畅销小说。

8. The medicine is derived from natural herbs. 这种药物是由天然草药提取的。

9. She derives her inspiration from nature. 她从大自然中得到灵感。

10. The chef derived the recipe from his grandmother. 这位厨师从他的祖母那里得到了这个食谱。

11. The theory is derived from extensive research. 这个理论是由广泛的研究得出的。

12. This product is derived from sustainable sources. 这个产品是由可持续资源衍生出来的。

13. He derives his income from various investments. 他的收入来自各种投资。

14. The artist derives inspiration from everyday life. 这位艺术家从日常生活中得到灵感。

15. The new drug is derived from a rare plant. 这种新药是由一种稀有植物提取的。

16. She derives comfort from her faith. 她从信仰中得到安慰。

17. The company derives its strength from its diverse workforce. 公司的实力来自其多样化的员工队伍。

18. The design is derived from traditional Japanese architecture. 这个设计来源于传统的日本建筑。

19. The company derives its success from its innovative approach. 公司的成功来自其创新的方法。

20. The team derives motivation from their coach's encouragement. 这个团队从教练的鼓励中获得动力。

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