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时间: 2024-09-20 05:31:22


1. I need a definite answer by tomorrow. (我需要明确的答复,明天之前。)

2. There was a definite improvement in her performance. (她的表现有了明显的改善。)

3. We have a definite plan for the weekend. (我们周末有明确的计划。)

4. There is no definite proof that he committed the crime. (没有确凿的证据证明他犯了罪。)

5. I have a definite feeling that something is wrong. (我明确地感觉到有些事情不对劲。)

6. The date for the meeting is not definite yet. (会议的日期还不确定。)

7. She has a definite preference for Italian food. (她明确地偏爱意大利食物。)

8. The instructions were not definite enough for me to understand. (指示不够明确,我无法理解。)

9. We need to have a definite plan before we can move forward. (我们需要有一个明确的计划才能继续前进。)

10. The doctor gave a definite diagnosis of the illness. (医生对疾病做了明确的诊断。)

11. There was a definite change in the weather. (天气发生了明显的变化。)

12. The deadline for the project is definite and cannot be changed. (项目的截止日期是明确的,不能改变。)

13. She has a definite sense of style. (她有明确的时尚感。)

14. The company has not made a definite decision about the new product. (公司还没有就新产品做出明确的决定。)

15. The rules are definite and must be followed. (规则是明确的,必须遵守。)

16. She has a definite talent for singing. (她明确有唱歌的才华。)

17. The schedule is not definite yet, so we can't make any plans. (日程表还不确定,所以我们无法做任何计划。)

18. There is a definite need for more resources in this department. (这个部门明显需要更多的资源。)

19. The instructions were not definite enough for me to follow. (指示不够明确,我无法遵循。)

20. The company has not given us a definite answer about the layoffs. (公司还没有就裁员问题给我们一个明确的答复。)

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