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时间: 2024-09-19 11:45:36


1. The mistake was costly and resulted in the company losing millions of dollars. (这个错误代价高昂,导致公司损失了数百万美元。)

2. Buying a luxury car can be a costly decision. (购买豪华汽车是一个代价高昂的决定。)

3. The hurricane caused costly damage to the coastal town. (飓风给沿海城镇造成了巨大的损失。)

4. Repairing the antique vase was a costly process. (修复古董花瓶是一个代价高昂的过程。)

5. The company's expansion plans turned out to be more costly than anticipated. (公司的扩张计划比预期的更为昂贵。)

6. Hiring a celebrity spokesperson for the advertising campaign was a costly but effective move. (为广告活动聘请一位名人代言是一个代价高昂但有效的举措。)

7. The company learned a costly lesson about the importance of cybersecurity after a major data breach. (在一次重大数据泄露事件后,公司付出了昂贵的代价,意识到网络安全的重要性。)

8. Neglecting regular maintenance can result in costly repairs down the line. (忽视定期维护可能导致日后昂贵的维修费用。)

9. The decision to outsource production turned out to be a costly mistake for the company. (将生产外包的决定对公司来说是一个代价高昂的错误。)

10. The company's poor financial management led to costly consequences, including layoffs and budget cuts. (公司糟糕的财务管理导致了昂贵的后果,包括裁员和预算削减。)

11. The new technology was a costly investment, but it greatly improved productivity. (新技术是一个代价高昂的投资,但它极大地提高了生产力。)

12. The delay in shipping the products resulted in costly penalties for the company. (产品运送延迟导致公司支付昂贵的罚款。)

13. The company had to make some difficult and costly decisions in order to stay competitive in the market. (为了在市场上保持竞争力,公司不得不做出一些困难且代价高昂的决策。)

14. The costly lawsuit drained the company's resources and affected its financial stability. (昂贵的诉讼耗尽了公司的资源,影响了其财务稳定性。)

15. The designer handbag was too costly for most people to afford. (这个设计师手提包对大多数人来说太昂贵了。)

16. The company's decision to expand into international markets proved to be a costly endeavor. (公司进军国际市场的决策证明是一项代价高昂的努力。)

17. The medical treatment for his rare condition was costly, but necessary for his survival. (治疗他罕见病症的医疗费用很高,但对他的生存是必要的。)

18. The costly renovation of the historic building preserved its beauty and heritage. (对这座历史建筑进行昂贵的翻修保留了它的美丽和传统。)

19. The company's decision to recall the faulty products was a costly but responsible action. (公司召回有问题的产品的决定是一个代价高昂但负责任的行动。)

20. The costly advertising campaign helped the company gain market share and increase sales. (昂贵的广告活动帮助公司获得市场份额并增加销售额。)

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