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时间: 2024-10-07 18:47:59


1. She finished her homework, and afterwards, she went to bed. (她完成了作业,然后上床睡觉。)

2. We went out for dinner, and afterwards, we watched a movie. (我们出去吃了晚餐,然后看电影。)

3. He visited his family, and afterwards, he took a long walk in the park. (他去看望了家人,然后在公园里散步了很长时间。)

4. They had a heated argument, and afterwards, they decided to break up. (他们发生了激烈的争吵,然后决定分手。)

5. After finishing his work, he cleaned up the office afterwards. (完成工作后,他随后整理了办公室。)

6. They went shopping, and afterwards, they went for a coffee. (他们去购物,然后去喝咖啡。)

7. She went to the gym, and afterwards, she treated herself to a relaxing massage. (她去健身房,然后给自己来一次放松的按摩。)

8. He attended a meeting, and afterwards, he had a quick lunch. (他参加了一次会议,然后吃了个快餐。)

9. They went hiking, and afterwards, they enjoyed a picnic in the mountains. (他们去远足,然后在山上享受了一次野餐。)

10. After a long day at work, she went home and took a hot bath afterwards. (工作了一整天后,她回家后洗了一个热水澡。)

11. They went to the beach, and afterwards, they played beach volleyball. (他们去了海滩,然后玩沙滩排球。)

12. She finished her workout, and afterwards, she stretched her muscles. (她完成了锻炼,然后拉伸了她的肌肉。)

13. He studied for his exam, and afterwards, he rewarded himself with a movie marathon. (他为考试学习,然后奖励自己看电影马拉松。)

14. They had a delicious dinner, and afterwards, they indulged in dessert. (他们吃了一顿美味的晚餐,然后沉溺于甜点。)

15. After a long day of sightseeing, they returned to the hotel and rested afterwards. (经过一整天的观光后,他们回到酒店休息了一下。)

16. She finished reading the book, and afterwards, she wrote a review. (她读完了这本书,然后写了一篇评论。)

17. They finished their project, and afterwards, they celebrated with a dinner party. (他们完成了项目,然后举办了一个晚宴庆祝。)

18. He finished his presentation, and afterwards, he answered questions from the audience. (他结束了演讲,然后回答了观众的问题。)

19. They finished their workout, and afterwards, they cooled down with some stretching exercises. (他们完成了锻炼,然后通过一些伸展运动来冷却身体。)

20. After a long day of hiking, they set up camp and cooked dinner afterwards. (经过一整天的徒步旅行后,他们搭起帐篷,然后做晚餐。)

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