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时间: 2024-10-07 12:43:36


1. I saw her a month ago.(一个月前我见过她。)

2. He left for college two years ago.(他两年前去上大学了。)

3. We met at a party a long time ago.(我们很久以前在一次派对上见过。)

4. The movie was released a decade ago.(这部电影是十年前上映的。)

5. I quit my job six months ago.(我六个月前辞职了。)

6. She moved to a new city a year ago.(她一年前搬到了新城市。)

7. They got married five years ago.(他们五年前结婚了。)

8. The accident happened a while ago.(事故发生在一段时间以前。)

9. I used to live in that neighborhood years ago.(多年前我住在那个社区。)

10. He started his business a few years ago.(他几年前开始了自己的生意。)

11. I visited Paris a few weeks ago.(我几周前去了巴黎。)

12. The last time I saw her was a year ago.(我上次见她是一年前。)

13. We went on vacation two months ago.(我们两个月前去度假了。)

14. I broke up with my ex-boyfriend a while ago.(我和前男友分手已经有一段时间了。)

15. He used to be my neighbor many years ago.(很多年前他是我的邻居。)

16. I finished reading that book a long time ago.(我很久以前就读完了那本书。)

17. The concert took place a few days ago.(音乐会是几天前举行的。)

18. They moved to a different country years ago.(他们多年前搬到了另一个国家。)

19. I started learning to play the guitar a while ago.(我一段时间以前开始学弹吉他。)

20. The old building was demolished a decade ago.(这座老建筑是十年前拆除的。)

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