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时间: 2024-10-07 06:51:31


1. Ah, I finally found my keys! - 啊,我终于找到我的钥匙了!

2. Ah, that's a beautiful sunset. - 哦,那是一个美丽的日落。

3. Ah, I see what you mean now. - 啊,现在我明白你的意思了。

4. Ah, I forgot to buy milk. - 啊,我忘记买牛奶了。

5. Ah, I can't believe I won the lottery! - 啊,我不敢相信我中了彩票!

6. Ah, this cake tastes delicious. - 啊,这个蛋糕味道真好。

7. Ah, it's so hot outside. - 啊,外面好热啊。

8. Ah, I'm so tired after a long day at work. - 啊,工作了一整天,我好累啊。

9. Ah, I wish I could go on vacation. - 啊,我希望能去度假。

10. Ah, I can't believe she said that to me. - 啊,我不敢相信她对我说了那样的话。

11. Ah, I love the smell of fresh flowers. - 啊,我喜欢新鲜花朵的香味。

12. Ah, I'm sorry for being late. - 啊,对不起我迟到了。

13. Ah, what a beautiful dress! - 啊,多漂亮的裙子啊!

14. Ah, I'm so excited for the concert tonight. - 啊,我今晚的音乐会太激动了。

15. Ah, I can't believe it's already December. - 啊,我不敢相信已经是十二月了。

16. Ah, I can't wait to see my family for the holidays. - 啊,我迫不及待地想见到我的家人过节。

17. Ah, I need to buy some groceries. - 啊,我需要买些杂货。

18. Ah, I forgot to call my mom. - 啊,我忘记给我妈妈打电话了。

19. Ah, I missed the bus again. - 啊,我又错过了公共汽车。

20. Ah, I'm so glad to see you! - 啊,我好高兴见到你!

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