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时间: 2024-10-06 22:42:56


1. My aim is to become a successful entrepreneur. (我的目标是成为一名成功的企业家。)

2. She took aim and fired at the target. (她瞄准目标并开火。)

3. The aim of this project is to improve the company's efficiency. (这个项目的目标是提高公司的效率。)

4. He aimed for the stars and ended up as a famous astronaut. (他立志成为一名宇航员,最终成为了一位著名的宇航员。)

5. The aim of the game is to collect as many points as possible. (游戏的目标是尽可能多地获得积分。)

6. He aimed his criticism at the government's handling of the crisis. (他把批评的矛头指向了政府对危机的处理。)

7. The aim of the meeting is to discuss the new marketing strategy. (会议的目的是讨论新的营销策略。)

8. She aimed to finish the marathon in under three hours. (她的目标是在三小时内完成马拉松比赛。)

9. The sniper took careful aim before pulling the trigger. (狙击手在扣动扳机之前仔细瞄准。)

10. The aim of education is to empower individuals with knowledge and skills. (教育的目标是赋予个人知识和技能。)

11. He aimed his camera at the beautiful sunset and captured a stunning photograph. (他把相机对准美丽的日落,拍摄了一张令人惊叹的照片。)

12. The aim of the research is to find a cure for cancer. (研究的目标是找到治愈癌症的方法。)

13. She aimed to lose 10 pounds before her wedding. (她的目标是在婚礼前减掉10磅。)

14. The aim of the exercise is to strengthen your core muscles. (这个练习的目标是加强你的核心肌肉。)

15. He aimed his shot carefully and scored a goal. (他仔细瞄准并打进了一球。)

16. The aim of the charity is to provide clean water to impoverished communities. (慈善机构的目标是为贫困社区提供清洁的水源。)

17. She aimed to finish reading the book by the end of the week. (她的目标是在本周末前读完这本书。)

18. The aim of the experiment is to test the hypothesis. (实验的目标是测试假设。)

19. He aimed to break the world record in the 100-meter sprint. (他的目标是打破100米短跑的世界纪录。)

20. The aim of the therapy is to help patients manage their anxiety. (治疗的目标是帮助患者管理他们的焦虑。)

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