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时间: 2024-10-06 20:55:27


1. The airless atmosphere on Mars makes it impossible for humans to breathe without the aid of a spacesuit.


2. The airless tires on the new bicycle are designed to never go flat.


3. The airless pump dispenser ensures that every drop of product is used, with no waste.


4. The airless room was stifling and uncomfortable, with no circulation of fresh air.


5. The airless vacuum chamber was used to test the durability of the new electronic components.


6. The airless conditions in the submarine made it feel like a completely different world.


7. The airless silence of the desert was broken only by the occasional sound of wind or animal.


8. The airless packaging kept the food fresh for longer periods of time.


9. The airless environment of the underground bunker felt claustrophobic and oppressive.


10. The airless quality of the painting gave it a stark and haunting beauty.


11. 由于空气的稀薄,登山者需要额外的氧气供应来应对高海拔的无氧环境。

(Due to the thin air, climbers need extra oxygen supply to cope with the airless environment at high altitudes.)

12. 这款无气胎轮胎可以有效地减少汽车的燃油消耗。

(These airless tires can effectively reduce the fuel consumption of the car.)

13. 这个无氧的密封容器确保了化妆品的新鲜度和持久性。

(The airless sealed container ensures the freshness and longevity of the cosmetics.)

14. 在这个无氧的地下室里,人们感到窒息和不适。

(In this airless basement, people feel suffocated and uncomfortable.)

15. 这个实验室使用无氧环境来模拟外太空的条件。

(The laboratory uses an airless environment to simulate conditions in outer space.)

16. 这个无氧的房间里没有新鲜空气流通,使人感到闷热和不适。

(In this airless room, there is no circulation of fresh air, making people feel stuffy and uncomfortable.)

17. 这种无气泡的包装可以延长食品的保质期。

(This airless packaging can extend the shelf life of food.)

18. 这个无氧的地区缺乏植被和生命。

(This airless area lacks vegetation and life.)

19. 火星的无氧大气使得人类无法在那里生存。

(The airless atmosphere of Mars makes it impossible for humans to survive there.)

20. 这个无气的钢瓶可以保持液体的新鲜度和纯度。

(This airless steel bottle can maintain the freshness and purity of the liquid.)

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