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时间: 2024-09-20 08:05:10


1. 宇航员们正在太空中进行太空行走。

Astronauts are performing a spacewalk in space.

2. 太空中有许多未知的星球和星系。

There are many unknown planets and galaxies in space.

3. 太空探索是人类的最终目标之一。

Exploring space is one of the ultimate goals of humanity.

4. 他的梦想是成为一名宇航员,去太空探险。

His dream is to become an astronaut and explore space.

5. 太空中的无重力环境对人体有很大影响。

The zero-gravity environment in space has a significant impact on the human body.

6. 太空中的星星闪烁着美丽的光芒。

The stars in space twinkle with beautiful light.

7. 太空探索需要先进的技术和大量的资金支持。

Space exploration requires advanced technology and substantial financial support.

8. 科学家们希望通过太空探索找到其他生命形式。

Scientists hope to find other forms of life through space exploration.

9. 太空中的黑暗和寒冷让人感到孤独和恐惧。

The darkness and coldness of space can make one feel lonely and fearful.

10. 宇航飞机正在进行太空站的补给任务。

The spacecraft is performing a supply mission to the space station.

11. 太空中的星系和星云构成了美丽的宇宙景观。

The galaxies and nebulae in space form beautiful cosmic landscapes.

12. 太空旅行需要克服许多技术和生理上的挑战。

Space travel requires overcoming many technological and physiological challenges.

13. 太空探索的成就对人类的发展具有重要意义。

The achievements of space exploration are of great significance to the development of humanity.

14. 宇航员们在太空中进行实验,以研究生命在零重力环境下的行为。

Astronauts conduct experiments in space to study the behavior of life in zero-gravity environments.

15. 太空中的宇宙射线对宇航员的健康构成潜在威胁。

Cosmic rays in space pose a potential threat to the health of astronauts.

16. 太空探索可以为地球上的自然灾害预警和应对提供重要信息。

Space exploration can provide crucial information for natural disaster warning and response on Earth.

17. 太空中的真空环境对人体的生存有极大影响。

The vacuum environment in space has a significant impact on human survival.

18. 太空中的宇宙飞船必须经过严格的测试和验证才能保证安全起飞。

Spacecraft in space must undergo rigorous testing and validation to ensure safe launches.

19. 太空中的微重力环境可以用于进行生物学和医学方面的研究。

The microgravity environment in space can be used for biological and medical research.

20. 太空中的宇宙飞船需要依靠太阳能来提供能源。

Spacecraft in space rely on solar power for energy.

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