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时间: 2024-09-20 08:33:32


1. 他是一名便衣警察,经常深入犯罪团伙内部进行调查。

He is an undercover police officer, often infiltrating criminal gangs for investigation.

2. 便衣警察在街头巡逻,以便捕捉窃贼。

Plainclothes police officers patrol the streets in order to catch thieves.

3. 便衣特工潜入敌方领土,执行秘密任务。

Plainclothes agents infiltrated enemy territory to carry out a secret mission.

4. 这位便衣探员在赌场里搜集情报。

The plainclothes detective gathered intelligence in the casino.

5. 便衣警察在人群中悄悄监视着嫌疑人。

The plainclothes police officer discreetly monitored the suspect in the crowd.

6. 便衣特工成功地摧毁了恐怖组织的一个重要基地。

The plainclothes agent successfully destroyed a key base of the terrorist organization.

7. 他们是便衣侦查人员,正在调查一桩重要的案件。

They are plainclothes investigators, working on a crucial case.

8. 便衣警察在火车站巡逻,以便阻止毒品交易。

Plainclothes police officers patrol the train station in order to prevent drug trafficking.

9. 便衣特工潜伏在暗处,等待着行动的命令。

Plainclothes agents lurked in the shadows, waiting for the command to strike.

10. 便衣探员在夜店里调查走私活动。

The plainclothes detective investigated smuggling activities in the nightclub.

11. 便衣警察在人群中搜寻着失踪的孩子。

Plainclothes police officers searched for the missing child in the crowd.

12. 便衣特工混入了恐怖分子的组织,获得了宝贵的情报。

The plainclothes agent infiltrated the terrorist organization and obtained valuable intelligence.

13. 便衣警察在街头侦查毒品交易。

Plainclothes police officers investigated drug trafficking on the streets.

14. 便衣特工伪装成普通市民,潜入了敌方的秘密基地。

Plainclothes agents disguised as ordinary citizens infiltrated the enemy's secret base.

15. 便衣探员在酒吧里暗中监视着嫌疑人。

The plainclothes detective secretly surveilled the suspect in the bar.

16. 便衣警察在车站巡逻,以便保护乘客的安全。

Plainclothes police officers patrolled the station in order to protect the safety of passengers.

17. 便衣特工成功地挫败了一起恐怖袭击计划。

The plainclothes agent successfully thwarted a terrorist attack plot.

18. 便衣警察在市场上搜查假冒商品。

Plainclothes police officers searched for counterfeit goods in the market.

19. 便衣特工潜伏在敌方领土,执行了一次危险的渗透任务。

Plainclothes agents infiltrated enemy territory and carried out a dangerous infiltration mission.

20. 便衣探员在夜晚蹲守,等待着犯罪分子的出现。

The plainclothes detective lurked in the night, waiting for the appearance of the criminals.

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