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时间: 2024-09-20 11:56:20


1. 她的眼睛里透露着一种空灵的神秘感。

There is a haunting emptiness in her eyes.

2. 这个地方给人一种空灵的感觉,仿佛时间停滞了。

The place gives off an ethereal feeling, as if time has stood still.

3. 她的声音有一种空灵的美感。

Her voice has an ethereal beauty.

4. 这首歌的旋律听起来很空灵。

The melody of this song sounds ethereal.

5. 这幅画展现了一种空灵的宁静之美。

The painting captures a serene and ethereal beauty.

6. 她的舞蹈给人一种空灵的感觉,仿佛在空中飘荡。

Her dance gives off an ethereal feeling, as if floating in the air.

7. 她的笑容散发着一种空灵的纯洁。

Her smile radiates an ethereal purity.

8. 这个地方被云雾笼罩,显得格外空灵。

The place is shrouded in mist, giving it an otherworldly feel.

9. 她的眼神中透露着一种空灵的悲伤。

There is an ethereal sadness in her eyes.

10. 这首歌曲的歌词充满了空灵的哲思。

The lyrics of this song are filled with ethereal thoughts.

11. 这幅画中的色彩给人一种空灵的感觉。

The colors in this painting give off an ethereal feeling.

12. 她的衣着展现了一种空灵的优雅。

Her attire showcases an ethereal elegance.

13. 这个地方的氛围充满了空灵的宁静。

The atmosphere of this place is filled with an ethereal tranquility.

14. 这首音乐传达了一种空灵的悲伤情绪。

This music conveys an ethereal sense of sadness.

15. 她的表演给人一种空灵的感觉,仿佛置身于梦境中。

Her performance gives off an ethereal feeling, as if in a dream.

16. 这首诗歌描绘了一种空灵的美景。

This poem depicts an ethereal scenery.

17. 她的风格展现了一种空灵的优雅。

Her style showcases an ethereal elegance.

18. 这个地方的风景充满了空灵的神秘感。

The scenery of this place is filled with an ethereal sense of mystery.

19. 这首乐曲的旋律给人一种空灵的感觉。

The melody of this piece of music gives off an ethereal feeling.

20. 她的舞姿展现了一种空灵的优美。

Her dance movements showcase an ethereal beauty.

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