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时间: 2024-09-20 08:22:10


1. 这座城市是古代的都城。

This city was the ancient capital.

2. 京都是日本的都城。

Kyoto is the capital of Japan.

3. 他们在都城建立了一座宏伟的宫殿。

They built a magnificent palace in the capital.

4. 都城里有许多历史悠久的建筑。

The capital is home to many historic buildings.

5. 这座都城是国家政治和文化中心。

The capital city is the political and cultural center of the country.

6. 都城的景点吸引了许多游客。

The capital city's attractions draw many tourists.

7. 都城的夜景非常迷人。

The capital city's night view is very charming.

8. 他们举行了一场盛大的游行来庆祝都城的建立。

They held a grand parade to celebrate the founding of the capital.

9. 都城的交通网络非常发达。

The capital city has a well-developed transportation network.

10. 这座都城充满了现代化的建筑和设施。

The capital city is filled with modern buildings and facilities.

11. 都城的人口数量在不断增加。

The population of the capital city is constantly increasing.

12. 都城的气候非常宜人。

The climate of the capital city is very pleasant.

13. 都城的历史可以追溯到数千年前。

The history of the capital city can be traced back thousands of years.

14. 他们决定在都城建立一座新的国家博物馆。

They decided to build a new national museum in the capital.

15. 都城的餐厅提供了各种各样的美食选择。

The capital city's restaurants offer a wide variety of dining options.

16. 都城的夜生活非常丰富多彩。

The capital city has a vibrant nightlife.

17. 都城的居民来自各个地区。

The residents of the capital city come from various regions.

18. 都城的经济正在快速发展。

The economy of the capital city is growing rapidly.

19. 都城的文化活动丰富多彩。

The capital city has a rich cultural scene.

20. 我们计划在都城度过一个愉快的周末。

We plan to spend a delightful weekend in the capital.

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