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时间: 2024-09-20 01:07:04


1. 他穿着一件华丽的龙袍。

He is wearing a gorgeous dragon robe.

2. 她披着一件丝绸袍子,显得非常优雅。

She looks very elegant in a silk robe.

3. 这件袍子是我祖传的。

This robe has been passed down from my ancestors.

4. 他披着一件长袍走进了房间。

He walked into the room wearing a long robe.

5. 这件袍子是我在中国旅行时买的。

I bought this robe when I was traveling in China.

6. 她穿着一件白色的睡袍。

She is wearing a white dressing gown.

7. 他的袍子上绣着金色的龙。

There is a golden dragon embroidered on his robe.

8. 这件袍子是我特地定制的。

This robe was specially tailored for me.

9. 她把袍子披在肩上,走进了寺庙。

She draped the robe over her shoulders and entered the temple.

10. 这件袍子是用最高级的丝绸制成的。

This robe is made of the finest silk.

11. 他把袍子披在身上,显得非常庄重。

He draped the robe over himself and looked very dignified.

12. 这件袍子在阳光下闪闪发光。

The robe was shimmering in the sunlight.

13. 这件袍子是我在一家古董店买的。

I bought this robe at an antique store.

14. 他把袍子一抖,露出了华丽的图案。

He shook the robe and revealed the intricate patterns.

15. 这种袍子在中国传统婚礼上常常穿着。

This type of robe is often worn at traditional Chinese weddings.

16. 她的袍子上绣着精美的花纹。

Her robe is embroidered with exquisite patterns.

17. 我们要为他定制一件华丽的袍子。

We need to tailor a gorgeous robe for him.

18. 这种袍子是中国古代皇帝的标志。

This type of robe is a symbol of the ancient Chinese emperors.

19. 他把袍子披在身上,准备出席重要的仪式。

He draped the robe over himself, ready to attend an important ceremony.

20. 这件袍子是我最喜欢的衣物之一。

This robe is one of my favorite clothing items.

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