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时间: 2024-10-05 20:43:19


1. 我们一家人在滨海度假村度过了一个愉快的假期。

We had a great vacation at the seaside resort as a family.

2. 滨海城市的风景非常美丽。

The scenery of the coastal city is very beautiful.

3. 我们打算在滨海地区购买一套度假别墅。

We plan to buy a vacation villa in the coastal area.

4. 滨海地区的海鲜非常新鲜美味。

The seafood in the coastal area is very fresh and delicious.

5. 我们在滨海散步,感受到了海风的清凉。

We took a walk by the seaside and felt the cool sea breeze.

6. 滨海地区的气候非常宜人,适合度假。

The climate in the coastal area is very pleasant and suitable for vacation.

7. 我们在滨海度假村租了一艘帆船,度过了一个美好的下午。

We rented a sailboat at the seaside resort and had a wonderful afternoon.

8. 滨海地区的日出和日落都非常迷人。

The sunrise and sunset in the coastal area are very charming.

9. 每年夏天,我们都会去滨海度假。

We go to the seaside for vacation every summer.

10. 滨海地区有许多美丽的海滩和礁石。

The coastal area has many beautiful beaches and rocks.

11. 我喜欢在滨海散步,感受大海的气息。

I enjoy taking a walk by the seaside and feeling the breath of the sea.

12. 滨海地区的人们都非常友好热情。

The people in the coastal area are very friendly and hospitable.

13. 我们在滨海享受了美味的海鲜大餐。

We enjoyed a delicious seafood feast at the seaside.

14. 每年冬天,成千上万的海鸟会飞到滨海地区过冬。

Thousands of seabirds fly to the coastal area to spend the winter every year.

15. 我们在滨海度假村预定了一个海景房间。

We booked a sea-view room at the seaside resort.

16. 滨海地区的潮汐变化很大。

The tidal changes in the coastal area are significant.

17. 我们在滨海度假村参加了沙滩派对。

We attended a beach party at the seaside resort.

18. 滨海地区的海洋生物资源非常丰富。

The marine resources in the coastal area are very abundant.

19. 我们在滨海地区进行了一次潜水探险。

We had a diving adventure in the coastal area.

20. 滨海地区的风景吸引了许多摄影爱好者。

The scenery of the coastal area attracts many photography enthusiasts.

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