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时间: 2024-09-20 12:50:50


1. 早晨的甘露洒在草地上,显得格外清新。

The morning dew sprinkled on the grass, looking particularly fresh.

2. 晨曦中的甘露让树叶闪闪发光。

The morning dew made the leaves glisten in the dawn.

3. 农民们在清晨收集甘露,用来浇灌庄稼。

Farmers collect dew in the early morning to water the crops.

4. 每天早晨,我都喜欢在甘露中散步。

I love to take a walk in the dew every morning.

5. 阳光下的甘露如同一颗颗晶莹的珍珠。

The dew in the sunshine looks like glistening pearls.

6. 晨曦中,甘露把大地装点得如同仙境一般。

In the dawn, the dew adorns the earth like a fairyland.

7. 甘露在晨光中闪烁着晶莹的光芒。

The dew glistens in the morning light.

8. 清晨的甘露洒在花瓣上,仿佛给花朵镀了一层银光。

The morning dew sprinkled on the petals, as if giving the flowers a layer of silver.

9. 每天早晨,我都喜欢在甘露中散步。

I love to take a walk in the dew every morning.

10. 阳光下的甘露如同一颗颗晶莹的珍珠。

The dew in the sunshine looks like glistening pearls.

11. 晨曦中,甘露把大地装点得如同仙境一般。

In the dawn, the dew adorns the earth like a fairyland.

12. 甘露在晨光中闪烁着晶莹的光芒。

The dew glistens in the morning light.

13. 清晨的甘露洒在花瓣上,仿佛给花朵镀了一层银光。

The morning dew sprinkled on the petals, as if giving the flowers a layer of silver.

14. 甘露是大自然的馈赠,滋润着万物。

Dew is a gift from nature, nourishing all things.

15. 晨露滴滴,清新宜人。

The morning dew is refreshing and pleasant.

16. 甘露的清凉让人陶醉其中。

The coolness of the dew is intoxicating.

17. 晨露洒在草叶上,显得格外娇嫩。

The morning dew sprinkled on the grass leaves, looking particularly delicate.

18. 甘露如同一片片晶莹剔透的宝石。

The dew is like sparkling and transparent gemstones.

19. 晨曦中的甘露让大地焕发出勃勃生机。

The morning dew in the dawn brings the earth to life.

20. 甘露是大地的眼泪,是大自然的馈赠。

Dew is the tears of the earth, a gift from nature.

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