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时间: 2024-09-20 07:28:52


1. 我们一起翻看了家庭相册,回忆起了很多美好的时光。

We looked through the family album together and recalled many good times.

2. 我的相册里收藏了许多我在旅行中拍摄的照片。

My album contains many photos I took while traveling.

3. 她把相册翻到了那张特别珍贵的照片。

She flipped through the album to that particular precious photo.

4. 我把这本相册当作了一个记忆的存放地。

I use this album as a place to store memories.

5. 我们一家人坐在一起,翻看着过去的相册。

We sat as a family, flipping through old albums.

6. 她的相册里有很多她孩提时期的照片。

Her album contains many photos from her childhood.

7. 他在相册里找到了一张他与朋友们的合影。

He found a group photo of himself and his friends in the album.

8. 我们用相册把我们的结婚照片收藏了起来。

We used an album to store our wedding photos.

9. 这本相册里有我所有最珍贵的回忆。

This album contains all my most precious memories.

10. 我把这些照片都整理到了一个相册里。

I organized all these photos into an album.

11. 我喜欢翻看老照片,所以我有很多相册。

I enjoy looking through old photos, so I have many albums.

12. 这个相册是我最喜欢的生日礼物之一。

This album is one of my favorite birthday gifts.

13. 我们在相册里找到了我们的毕业照片。

We found our graduation photos in the album.

14. 这本相册里有我童年的所有记忆。

This album contains all my childhood memories.

15. 我在相册里看到了一张我小时候的照片。

I saw a photo of myself as a child in the album.

16. 我把这些照片都放进了一个漂亮的相册里。

I put all these photos into a beautiful album.

17. 这本相册里有我和我的家人一起度过的美好时光。

This album contains the good times I spent with my family.

18. 我把这本相册当作了我旅行的纪念品。

I use this album as a souvenir of my travels.

19. 我的相册里有我和朋友们的照片。

My album contains photos of me and my friends.

20. 我们一起翻看了她的相册,了解了她的成长故事。

We looked through her album together and learned about her growth story.

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