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时间: 2024-09-20 08:25:23


1. 我们应该感时而动,不要固步自封。

We should act according to the times and not be stuck in our old ways.

2. 他总是能够感时而发,抓住机会。

He always knows how to seize the moment and make the most of opportunities.

3. 这个团队非常擅长感时,总能及时调整策略。

This team is very good at adapting to the times and always adjusting their strategies in a timely manner.

4. 作为领导者,她懂得感时而行,因此团队一直保持领先地位。

As a leader, she knows how to act according to the times, which is why her team has always been ahead.

5. 在这个快速变化的世界里,感时而动是非常重要的。

In this fast-changing world, it is very important to act according to the times.

6. 他们公司的成功秘诀就是能够感时而动,适应市场需求。

The key to their company's success is being able to adapt to the times and meet market demands.

7. 作为企业家,她一直能够感时而动,因此公司一直保持竞争力。

As an entrepreneur, she has always been able to act according to the times, which is why her company has remained competitive.

8. 这个行业的竞争非常激烈,我们必须感时而动,不断创新。

The competition in this industry is very fierce, and we must act according to the times and constantly innovate.

9. 他的成功得益于他能够感时而动,不断学习和适应新的挑战。

His success is due to his ability to adapt to the times, constantly learn, and adapt to new challenges.

10. 领导者应该能够感时而动,引领团队适应变化。

Leaders should be able to act according to the times and lead their teams to adapt to change.

11. 在这个数字化时代,企业必须感时而动,利用新技术来提升效率。

In this digital age, businesses must act according to the times and use new technologies to improve efficiency.

12. 他们的成功在于他们能够感时而动,及时调整战略。

Their success lies in their ability to act according to the times and adjust their strategies in a timely manner.

13. 那个政党失败的原因是他们无法感时而动,适应社会的变化。

The reason that party failed is that they couldn't act according to the times and adapt to the changes in society.

14. 这个品牌之所以能够长盛不衰,是因为他们一直能够感时而动,满足消费者的需求。

The reason this brand has been able to thrive is because they have always been able to act according to the times and meet consumer demands.

15. 在这个全球化的时代,企业必须感时而动,拓展国际市场。

In this globalized era, businesses must act according to the times and expand into international markets.

16. 他们的团队非常擅长感时而动,总能抓住市场的变化。

Their team is very good at adapting to the times and always seizing the changes in the market.

17. 作为一个创业者,她知道感时而动是非常重要的,所以她一直在关注市场的变化。

As an entrepreneur, she knows that acting according to the times is very important, so she has always been paying attention to changes in the market.

18. 在这个快节奏的社会里,我们必须能够感时而动,不断学习和成长。

In this fast-paced society, we must be able to act according to the times, constantly learn, and grow.

19. 领导者的责任之一就是能够感时而动,引领团队应对挑战。

One of the responsibilities of a leader is to be able to act according to the times and lead the team to face challenges.

20. 他们公司的成功秘诀就是能够感时而动,及时调整战略。

The key to their company's success is being able to adapt to the times and adjust their strategies in a timely manner.

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